1833 01150 7727
Colonial History
State of New York
By berthold FERNO^AT.
I. Proceedings of the Provincial Congress 1
II. The New York Line on the Third Continental Establisliment, 1776 163
III The Navy 254
IV. Officers of the Levies, Militia, Minute Men, Rangers and Associated Exempts, arranged
by counties 255
V. Alphabetical List of the State Troops 308
VI. Appendix, containing :
List of Officers of the New York Line on the First Continental Establishment,
1775 527
The Navy 529
The Green Mountain Boys and Vermont Militia 534
Additional Officers of New York 537
Service of the Levies and Militia 538
Casualties . Prisoners, Wounded and Killed 542
Pensioners of the State, alphabetically arranged 551
VII. Index 555
New-Englandere will occasionally assert, that New York did very little to assist her sister colonies in the struggle for independence more than one hundred years ago. To correct this opinion, the Editor has endeavored to resuscitate from the tomb of general oblivion the names of the men who proved their attachment to the cause of liberty by serving in a military capacity as officers and soldiers of the Regiments of the New York Line on Continental Establishment, of the Battalions of Levies, organized by the State of New York for purposes of self-protection, of the Regiments of Militia, Minute Men and Rangers and — of the Navy.
Although the volume herewith laid before the public contains about 40,000 names, the Editor fears that many a family will be disappointed upon not finding an ancestor, whom family tradition has elevated upon the pinnacle of revolutionary fame. The reason for not bringing such names is that the records of the war of Independence, both in the archives of New York and at Washington, are defective; for it has been the Editor's endeavor during five years, to examine every possible clue and enumerate the names there found.
New York had been called upon to furnish four Regiments* for the Continental army. She furnished, according to the Military Register, which has been mentioned on page 165, and from which most of the names of men serving in the New York Line, have been taken — 5,011 officers and soldiers for active field service out of a population of about 150,000 inhabitants.f
In the matter of financial aid. New York, although then not as rich as she is now, did not lag behind her sister colonies, as the following " General abstract of the sums of money, including indents and paper money of every kind, reduced to specie value, which have been leceived by, or paid to, the several States, by Congress, from the commencement of the Revolution
* This number was upon application of New Tork to Continental Congress raised to five.
f Documentary History I. The census of the State of New York for 1795 shows, that there were then 64,454 men entitled to vote living within its boundaries.
viii Preface.
to the present period ; made in pursuance of the order of the Hotise of Representatives of the
23d of April, 1790," will show :
Paid to State.
New Hampshire . Massachusetta . . . Rhode Island . . . . Connecticut
New York —
New Jersey
Pennsylvania. . . .
North Carolina. . South Carolina. . Georgia
440,974 1,245,737 1,038,511 1.016.273
2.087,376 63,817 609,617 482,881 788,031
1,014,808 679,413
90.8tlis. 29.5 25.0 33.6 15.0 6.0 63.1 15.0 5.0 6.5
Dollars. 466,554
3,167,020 310,395
2,629,410 208,878 945,537
1,963,811 219,835 499,325 122,744
90.8th3. 60.4
21 !o
31.2 45.0
41.3 68.0 39.0 7.1 79.0 22.1
Tkkasdby Dkpabtmbnt, Register's Office.
This abstract is supplemented by a " Statement of the sums, in the old Continental Emission, paid by the following States into the Treasury of the United States, on account of their several quotas of the requisitions of Congress, of the 18th of March, 1780," which tells us that :
New Hampshire paid $5,200,000, the total amount of her quota.
Massachusetts, $29,000,000, her full quota.
Ehode Island, $2,593,353 of her quota of $2,600,000.
Connecticut, $9,151,4:84 of her quota of $22,100,000.
New York, $7,905, 355 of her quota of $9,750,000.
New Jersey, $6,826,675 of her quota of $11,700,000.
Pennsylvania, $28,454,674 of her quota of $29,3^0,000,
Delaware, $2,210,000, her full quota.
Maryland, $9,149,585 of her quota of $20,940,000.
Virginia, $13,040,376 of her quota of $32,500,000.
North Carolina, $5,066,861 of her quota of $13,000,000.
Albany-, February, 1887.
Chancellor of the Board of Regents.
Die Lunae, 4'" ho. P. M. Mat 29'S 1775.
The Congress met pursnant to adjournment. Present.
Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Esquire, President.
Isaac Low, John De Lancey
Alexander McDougal James BeeTcman
Leonard Lispenard Samuel VerplancJe
Joseph Hallett David Clarkson
Abraham Walton Thomas Smith
Abraham Brasher John Morin Scott'
Isaac Roosevelt John Yan Cortland
Jacobus Yan Zandt
^'o'f Afbany"*^ [ ^olhert P. Douw, Esq'. Vice President.
Robert Yates Walter Livingston
Abraham Yates Robert Yan Rensselaer
Jacob Cuyler Henry Glenn
Peter Silvester Abraham Ten Broeck
DirTc Swart Francis Nicoll
Dutchess County.
Anthony Hoffman Jonathan Landon
Zephaniah Piatt Gysbert Schench
Richard Montgomerie Melancton Smith
Ephraim Payne Nathaniel Sachet Gilbert Livingston
Ulster County
Johan Eardenbergh Christopher Tappen
James Clinton John Nicholson
Egbert Dumond Jacob HornbecTi
Proceedings of the Provincial Congress.
Orange County
Peter Clowes
Suffolk County
Nathamel WoodhuU John Sloss Hobwrt Thomas Treadwell John Foster
Westchester County
Oouverneur Morris Leiuis Oraham, James Van Cortlandt Ward
Kings County
Henry Williama
Kichmond County
John Journey Aaron Cortelyou
Queens County
Jacob Blackwell Jona. Lawrence
Charlotte County
John Williams
William Allison
Ezra I^hommedieu Thomas Wickhatn Selah Strong
Philipp Van Cortlandt James Holmes Robert Graham, William Paulding
Nicholas Co'uenhoven
Richard Connor
Samuel Townsend Joseph Robinson
William Marsh
A letter from the grand Continental Congress signed by John Hancoch Esquire President, directed to this provincial Congress, and bearing Date on the 26"" Instant was read and is in the words following towit ;
Philadelphia 26"' May 1775.
I enclose you the Resolves of the Continental Congress respecting the measures they conceive more immediately necessary for the Defence & Safety of your City and Province and which it is expected will be carried into Execution with all possible Dispatch and with as much Secrecy as to the particular Operations intended, as the nature of the service will possibly admit of. I am, Sir,
Tour most Obed' humb Serv' To the President John Hancock, President
of the Provincial Convention at New York.
The said Resolves of the Continental Congress mentioned in the above Letter were also read and are in the words following to wit :
New York in the Revohd-Um. 5
In Congress May 25"', 1775. Eesolved *****
3*. That the Militia of Neto Yorh be armed and trained and in Constant readiness to act at a moments warning, and that a number of men be immediately embodied and kept in that City and so disposed of as to give protection to the Inhabitants, in Case any Insult should be offered by the Troops, that may land there ; and to prevent any Attempts that may be made to gain Possession of the City and to interrupt its Intercourse with the Country.
4"'. That it be left to the Provincial Congress of New Yor'k to determine the Number of Men sufficient to occupy the several Posts above mentioned * * * ' as well as to guard the City, provided the whole do not exceed the Number of Three Thousand Men, to be commanded by such Officers as shall be thereunto appointed by said Provincial Congress & to be governed by such Kules and Eegulations as shall be established by said Congress until farther Order is taken by this Congress, provided also that if tlie s'*. Provincial Congress should be of Opinion that the Number proposed will not be sufficient for the several Services above recommended, that the said Congress report then* sentiments upon this subject to this Congress as soon as may be.
5"". That it be recommended to the said Provincial Congress that in raising those forces they allow no Bounties or Cloathing and that their pay shall not exceed the Establishment of the New England Colonies.
e"". That it be further recommended to the Provincial Congress aforesaid, that the Troops be enlisted to serve until the last day of December next, unless this Congress shall direct, that they be sooner disbanded.
5 HO. P. M., May 30'^ 1775.
The Congress met pursuant to Adjournment. *****
The Congress then resumed the Consideration of the Resolves of the Continental Congress of the 25"" of May Instant and particularly that part of the third Resolution which directs " That the Militia of New York be armed & trained and in constant readiness to act at a moment's warning."
And thereupon resolved, that it be recommended to the Inhabitants of this Colony in general, immediately to furnish themselves with necessary Arms & Ammunition, to use all Diligence to perfect themselves in the Military Art, and if necessary to form themselves into Companies for that purpose, until the further Order of this Congress.
Ordered, that this Resolve be printed in the Newspapers & that five hundred Copies thereof be printed in hand Bills.
This Congress then proceeded to the Consideration of the Residue of the third Resolve, and of the fourth Resolve of the Continental Congress.
And thereupon Resolved, that in Compliance with the Resolution of the Continental Congress of the twenty fifth Instant, this Congress will use all possible diligence in embodying men according to the said Resolution.
' In §§ 1 and 2 of these Reaolutions : Kings Bridge and in the Highlands on each side of Hudson's River. Batteries were to be erected in the Highlands.
6 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress.
And Ordered, that Col". Lispenard, Col°. Ten Broeck, Col°. HolTues, Col°. Lent^ Capt. HornhecTc, Colonel Blackwell, Col°. Brincherhoff,' Col°. Woodhull, Mr. Polhemius," Mr. Micheau' Mr. t/oAn. Williams, Mr. Montgomerie, Mr. JRohari and Mr. Morris be a Committee to report an Arrangement of the Troops to be embodjed for the Defence of this Colony ; and to report snch rules and Eegulations as would be proper to be established bj this Congress for the Government of such Troops.
Die Jovis, 9 ho. June 1", 177.5.
Mr. Loto delivered a Petition of Capt. Samuel Tudor on behalf of himself and the Inde- pendant Company of Artillery in the City of Neio York setting forth that they have not any Carriages for such Cannon as they have pitched on to use, until Brass Field pieces be provided ; and that they are destitute of Ammunition.
Ordered, that Mr. Samuel Tudor be desired to provide Carriages, Eammers and Spunges & such other things, as are necessary for four Guns for training his Company.
Die Satuunh, 9 no. A. M. June 3*, 1775.
« * * * «
A letter from John Lamb to this Congress was read.
New York, June 2'', 1775.
As I embarked very early in the Cause of Liberty and have ever defended the Eights of America by every means in my power, so I am still actuated both by Principle and inclination to exert myself to the utmost of my Abilities in preserving the Freedom of my Country and as it is highly probable, that Troops will soon be raised in this Colony, I take the Liberty, to tender you my best services. — Should you think me worthy your confidence, I flatter myself, that my future Conduct will evince, it has not been placed on an improper object. — At the same time I must beg leave to observe, that I should incline to serve in the Artillery Department, having made that Branch (of Military Science) more particularly my Study. I am with the greatest Eespect To the Hon"^ Provincial Congress Gentlemen &c &c
of the Colony of New York John Lamb.
Ordered, that the eaid letter be referred to the Committee appointed to make an arrangement for the Troops to be embodied in this Colony.
' Abrm. Lent from Orange Co. ' Dirk Drinkerhoff from Dutchess Co. ' Tlieodore Polhemius from Kings Co. * Paul Micheau from Richmond Co.
New Yorh in the Revolution. f
Die Maetis, 9 ho. A. M. June 6'\ 1775. * * * * iC-
A Letter from the Committee at Albany to this Congress being read :
Albany Committee Chambers, 2'^ June 1775 Gentlemen *****
We have in the alarm above raised several Companies* to go up to Ticonderoga &c, two of which are on their way up. * *
DiB MEEcuEn, 9 HO. A. M. June 7"", 1775.
The Committee also reported a Draft of a letter to the Committee of Albany, which was read and approved of and is in the Words following to wit :
New Yorh Provincial Congress June 7"^, 1775.
* * * * *
The two Companies raised in your County & already on their march, You will suffer to proceed, to join the Forces at Ticonderoga.
* * * * *
Those Companies, who are under your direction formed, and not sent up, You will continue in pay, if your engagement with them will not justify your discharging them and request that you send to this Congress a return of the Officers and men in each Company.
The Gentlemen appointed a Committee for that purpose reported Drafts of two several Letters to the Delegates of this Colony at the Grand Continental Congress, which were severally read and approved and are in the Words following to wit :
Provincial Congress New Yorh June 7"", 1775. Gentlemen.
The Colonies of Massachusetts & Connecticut have formed their respective Armies and nominated to the General Command of them ; the Supposition, that in Case a Continental Army should be established by Authority of your respectable Body, their Officers will be permitted to preserve their respective Kanks, appears to Us highly probable. In this View We think it not improbable, that we should be called on for a Eecommendation to fill the Offices in the Military Appointment of this Colony. We take the liberty for the present to furnish you with our Sentiments on the appointment of a Major and Brigadier General and Submit them to your superior Wisdom either for use or concealment ; Our only motive is to prevent a Delay, that might otherwise be occasioned by an Opinion you may entertain of the necessity of asking our Sentiments on that Subject.
Courage, Prudence, Eeadiness in Expedients, nice Perception Sound Judgment and great
* See Albany County Militia.
8 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress.
Attention. These are a few of the natural Qualities, which appear to us to be proper. To these ought to be added an extensive acquaintance with the Sciences, particularly the various branches of Mathematic knowledge ; Long practice in the Military Art and above all a knowledge of mankind. On a General in America Fortune also should bestow her Gifts, that he may rather Communicate Lustre to his Dignities than receive it and that his Country in his property his Kindred & Connections may have sui-e Pledges that he will faithfully perform the Duties of his high Office and readily lay down his Power, when the general Weal require it.
Since we cannot do all that we wish, we will go as far towards it as we can, And therefore you will not be surprised, to hear that we are unanimous in the Choice of Col°. Philip Schuyler & Capt. Richard Montgomerie to the Offices of Major & Brigadier Generals. If we knew how to recommend them to your notice more strongly, than by telling you, that after considering the qualifications above stated, these Gentlemen were approved of without a single Dissent, Onr regard to the public Service would certainly lead us to do it in the most forcible Terms. Nor will we enter into a Minute Detail of the Characters and Situations of two Gentlemen \vith whom our Delegates cannot but be acquainted. In a Word we warmly recommend them, because we have no Doubts but that their appointment will give general Satisfaction. We beg leave to assure you. Gentlemen, that we are with the profoundest Kespect &c
Die Veneris. 9 ho. June Q"", 1775.
* * * * , *
Ordered, that Capt. Montgomerie, Col°. Holmes, Mr. Eallett, Mr. Brasher, Mr. Glen &
Mr. Ouyler be a Committee to estimate and report to this Congress the quantity of every article
necessary for equipping three thousand effective Men including Officers & that they make report
with all convenient speed.
Ordered, that Col". Van Cortlandt, Major Cortlandt & Col". Yon Rensselaer be added to the Committee of Arrangement of the Troops to be raised in this Colony and that the said Committee sit this afternoon.
Die Maktis, 9 no. A. M. June 13"^ 1775. ***** The Congress took into consideration the Letter from Robert Boyd (of New Windsor, Ulster Co.) & the proposals of Henry Watkeys relating to the making of Muskets & Bayonets & after some time spent therein. Resolved that this Congress will agree with Robert Boyd & Henry Watkeys, that they shall make one thousand good Muskets with Steel Ramrods & Bayonets with Scabbards at the price of 3£ 15sh. New York Money for each good Musket with a Steel Eamrod & Bayonet with a Scabbard, including the Bounty agreed to be allowed by this Congress.
New York in the devolution. 9
Die MERCUEn, 9 ho. Jttne li"", 1775. *****
Messrs. Christopher Miller & Patrick Dennis attending at the Door were called in, — When they informed tliis Congress, that they were requested by a number of the Members of the Maniie Society of this City, to inform this Congress tliat they were about to form themselves into an Artillery Company & that they had nominated Mr. Anth'. Rutgers of this City for their Captain & pray'd the approbation of this Congress in the s"* Nomination.
The Congress having taken the same into Consideration do unanimously approve of the Nomination of Mr. Anthony Rutgers to be Captain of the said Company and recommend to the said Society to nominate for the Approbation of this Congress such persons for their other Officers as may be confided in.
Die Maktis, 9 ho. A. M. June 20"^ 1775. ***** Ordered, that Mr. Tappen & Mr. ChHstopher P. Yates (of Tryon County) be added to the Committee for Arrangement of Troops to be raised in this Colony.
Die MEEcnEn, 9 ho. A. M. June 21, 1775. ***** Ordered, that Col". Tusten' & Col". Hazeltin^ be added to the Committee for Arrangement of the Troops to be raised in this Colony.
Die Veneeis, 9 ho. A. M. June 23'* 1775.
Robert Boyd .... attending at the Door was called in ; he informed this Congress, that he could set on foot a manufactory of Gun Barrells, Bayonets and Steel Eamrods and deliver them at the price of thirty-five shillings for each Barrell, Ramrod and Bayonet. — Henry Watlieys attending at the Door was also called in and offered to furnish Locks for the Muskets & to Mount Stock & finish them in Compleat workmanlike manner as the sample shown to him at the rate of Forty five shillings each. — And a Sadler attending at the Door was called in & informed the Congress, that the expence of "making Scabbards for Bayonets would be two shillings and Straps and Buckles for the Musquets would be One shilling & six pence.
Ordered, that the former Committee appointed to agree with Robert Boyd to wit Col".
' Benjamin Tasten of Orange Co. ' John Maseltine of Cumberland Co.
10 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress.
IJspenard Mr. Montgomery & Col°. Clinton together with Thomas Smith' Esq" be a Committee to a^ree with the said liobert Boyd for all the Musket Bari-els Ramrods and Bayonets, that he shall make within six months, And that the same Committee agree with Henry Watkeys for such of the said Muskets as he shall Stock & finish in manner aforesaid within the said time.
Die Solis, 9 ho. A. M. Jmrn 25'" 1775.
A Letter from General Schuyler dated at JVew Brunswick June 24"' 1775 Informing this Congress, that General Washington with his retinue would be at Newark this morning * * * and information being received, that Governor Tryon is at the Hook and will land at about one o'clock, Col°. Lasher was called in & requested to send one Company of the Militia to Powles Boo¥ to meet the Generals, — that he have another Company at the side of the ferrj for the same purpose, that he have the Residue of his Battalion ready to receive either the Generals or Gov' Tryon, which ever shall first arrive, & to wait on both as well as circumstances will allow.
Die Lunae, 9 ho. A. M. Jitne 26"' 1775. * * * * *
The Committee appointed to Contract with Robert Boyd & Henry Watkeys reported the Drafts of Contracts with the said Rohert Boyd & Henry Watkeys which were read and approved of by the Congress, Whereupon it is resolved and ordered, that Leonard Lispenard, Richard Montgomerie, James Clinton & Thomas Smith Esq"", execute the same on behalf of this Congress &, that this Congress will provide the money necessary to discharge the said Contracts. ***** The Congress resumed the Consideration of the report of the Committee of Arrangement and proceeded to the Examination of the three first Columns of the Arrangement of Officers and approved of many Gentlemen for Officers, whose names are marked on the margins of the Columns.
5'^ HO. P. M. June 26'" 1775. ***** The Congress then resumed the Consideration of the Report of the Committee of Arrangement & proceeded to the Consideration of the fourth Column & approved of such Gentlemen as are marked on the Report for that purpose. Mr. McDougal had leave to withdraw.
Ordered, that Mr. Roosevelt & Mr. Walton call on the Gentlemen of the City of Neio York who are named by the Committee to be Captains of Companies to know, whether they will consent & agree to accept of that service & that the said Committee Report with all convenient speed.
' Of New York city. ' Now Jersey City.
New York in the Revolution. 11
Die Maetis, 9 ho. A. M. June ST"" 1775. ***** Ordered, that Messrs. Montgomerie & McDougal be a Committee & that they take to their Assistance Messrs. Anthony Rutgers & Samuel Tudor for superinteudlng & imploying some Person in trying the Experiment of casting one brass field Piece.
A draft of a warrant to such Gentlemen as are intended to be Ofiicers of the Troops to be raised in this Colony was read & approved of & is in the words following to wit :
In Provincial Congress at New York June — 1775, To Gentleman Greeting.
Know Ton that the grand Continental Congress of the Associated Colonies have Kesolved and Ordered, that a certain number of Troops should be embodied in this Colony, to give protection to the Inhabitants & to be employed as Part of the American Continental Army. "We therefore reposing special Confidence in your Prudence, Courage and affection to the Liberties of this Country, Do request and authorize you to inlist and raise a Company of Seventy two able bodied men of good Reputation (including three Sergeants, three Corporals one Drummer & one Fifer) to serve as part of the said Troops, and that from Time to Time you report your Progress in the Premises to this Congress, for which this shall be your Warrant. And we hereby give you assurance, that you will be appointed a in the said Troops when raised and embodied,
if the number of men, inlisted by you (and intended to be the other
Officers of one Company) and received into the said Troops by such proper Officer or Muster Master, as shall be appointed for that Purpose, shall amount to the number above mentioned.
A draft of Instructions to the several Officers to be iraployed in raising Troops was read and approved of & is in the Words following towit :
Instettctions foe the inlistment of Men. First. Tou are not to inlist any man, who is not ablebodied, healthy and a good marcher; but as men of good appearance may have ruptures and venerial complaints, which render them incapable of soldiers duty, you must give attention, that you be not imposed upon & take the opinion of a Surgeon, where there is room for suspicion.
2. Ton will have great regard to moral Character, sobriety in particular, — let our manners distinguish us from our Enemies, as much as the Cause we are engaged in.
3. Those who engage in defence of their Country's Liberties shall be inlisted till the last day of December of the present year, unless sooner discharged by the Continental Congress.
4. You shall appoint such men Sergeants and Corporals as recommend themselves by their ability, activity & Diligence.
5. Tou will use all Diligence in Coinpleating your Company and Report to the President of the provincial Congress to the End, that you may receive Orders to join your Regiment.
6. During the time you are filling up your Company, you will engage at the cheapest Rate for the provisions of such Men as are already enlisted, (if there be no public Magazine of Provisions from whence you may be supplied) not exceeding Eight shillings per week.
7. You will loose no Time m disciplining your Men so far as your Situation will permit.
8. You will take Notice that proper persons will be appointed to inspect your Men & reject such as do not answer to your Instructions.
12 Proceedings of the Provincial Ckmgrdss.
9. Ton M-ill furnish the Subalterns appointed to your Company with a copy of tliose instructions, who are hereby ordered to put themselves under your Command.
10. You will observe that the Troops raised by this Colonj^ will be placed precisely upon the same footing, as to pay, Cloathing &c. with other the Continental Troops now raised or hereafter to be raised for the general defence.
11. No Apprentice or Servant to be enlisted without the Consent of the Master. Ordered^ that five hundred Copies of the said Warrants and as many Copies of the said
Instructions be printed.'
Ordered, that all the Musquets & Bayonets belonging to this Colony, which are in the different Counties in this Colony (except Albany) be sent to the Committee of the City of New Jor^ with all Convenient Speed iz in such manner that they may come with the greatest Safety. And the Committees of the respective Counties, where any such Musquets and Bayonets now are, are hereby requested & desired to take all such arms into their care and to see, that this Order be complyed with immediately.
Die MEECtJun, 9 ho. A. M. June 28'", 1775.
Mr. Roosevelt reported, that Mr. Walton & himself by Order of this Congress had called on the Gentlemen in this City mentioned in the Report of tlie Committee of Arrangement for Officers in the Troops to be raised, — that several of them had consented to accept the service, that Messrs. Ilelme & Stockholm had declined the service, that several others had desired some time to consider of the proposal and that some of the Gentlemen named for Lieutenants were very anxious that their particular Situations as to Captains, they were to serve under might be changed. — And the Congress being informed, that John Quachenboss is a proper person & very anxious to be in the Service — Ordered, that the name of John QuacJcejiboss be inserted in the room & Stead of Andrew Stoclholm. — And Ordered, that Col". Lispenard with Messrs. Roosevelt &, Walton be a Committee to consider the present arrangement of the Lieutenants and to malie such Arrangements or Alterations in the Stations of tlie Lieutenants, as they may think will give the most satisfaction to the Officers and that they report to this Congress, what they shall have done in the Premisses.
The Congress then resumed the Consideration of the Committee's Heport for estimating the articles necessary to compleat 3000 Effective Men and after some time spent therein. Ordered, that Peter T. Curteniua as Commissary of this Congress be desired to purchase on the public Credit the following quantities of Coarse Broad Cloths viz'. Coarse blue broad cloth sufficient to make 712 Sliort Coats & Crimson Cloth for Cuffs & facings for the said Coats & that if blue Cloth cannot be had, tliat in such Case he purchase blue Coating for that purpose — Light brown coarse broad cloth sufficient to make 712 Short Coats, with blue Cloth sufficient for Cuffs & facings. — Grey coarse broad Clotii sufficient to make 7*12 Sliort Coats with green Cloth sufficient for Cuffs <% facings. — Dark brown coarse broad Cloth sufficient to make 712 Short Coats with Scarlet Cloth sufficient for Cuffs & facings for the same. And that he be also desired to purchase
' Both, Instructions and Warrant, were printed on the same sheet of paper, the Instructions preceding the War- rant. No. 11 of the Instructions has been omitted by the printer and is written on all the copies on record, — B. F.
New York in the Mevolution. 13
1000 Stand of Arms, 20,000 Oyl fliuts, 8000 lbs. Lead, 40 Reams of Cartouch Paper, 2852 Gun Worms, 2852 Screwdrivers, Ticking or Russia drilling to make 14 bell Tents, 109 Pieces of Ravens Duck as soon as it can be got. — And also 520 Camp Kettles, 2852 Canteens, 2852 Haversacks, 800 small Hatchets, 400 falling Axes, 80 Pick Axes & 400 spades & that he be desired to get all the Ravens Duck (which he has on hand) made up into Soldiers Tents.
***** Ordered, that the Commissary deliver any Articles, which he shall at any time have purchased & have in his Custody for the use of the Continental Army to General Schuyler on 1 taking his Receipt for the same.
Die Venekis 9 ho. June 30'\ 1775.
The Congress resumed the Consideration of the Arrangement of the Battalions.
And thereupon Agreed cfe Ordered, that the New York Regiment be considered as the first Regiment & have Rank accordingly, Albany, Ulster & Tryon Counties dissented.
The Congress then unanimously approved of Alexander McDongal for Colonel, Rudolphus Bitzema for Lieutenant Colonel & John Brogden for Adjutant of the first Regiment.' *****
Agreed and Ordered, that Col° RoosehoorrCs Regiment be the second Regiment & take Rank accordingly.
The Congress unanimously Agreed & approved of Myndert liooseboom for Col°., Gooee Van Schaick Lieutenant Col°., Barent I. Ten Eyck, Adjutant & John W. Wendal, Quarter Master of the second Reg'.
Samuel Cooke, Elenezer Haviland i& John Williams are respectively approved as Sui-geons, if they respectively shall be found properly & sufficiently qualified for those stations, & that they be examined by the Doctors John Jones & Saimiel Bard, who are requested to make such examination.
Agreed <& Ordered, that Col°. Clinton's Regiment be the third Regiment & take rank accordingly.
The Congress then unanimously approved of CoF, James Clinton for Col°., Edward Flemming for Lieut. Col°., & Cornelius D. Wytikoop for Major of the third Regm'.
Agreed (& Ordered, that CoF. Hohnes' Regiment be the fourth Regiment & take rank accordingly. — the Congress then unanimously approved of James Holmes for Colonel, Philip Van Cortlandt for Lieutenant Colonel & Barnabas Tuthill for Major of the said fourth Regiment. ***** Mr. Thomas Smith from the Committee appointed to treat with Robert Boyd & Henry - Watkeys, reported the draft of an Article of Agreement in the following Words towit :
Articles of Agreement made &, concluded this day of June 1775 Between Henry
■ See Roster of these Regiments of 1775 below.
14 Proceedings of the Provincial Congress.
Waikeys of the City of New York, Gunsmith, of the one part, and Leonard Lispenard, Richard Montgomerie, James Clinton & Thomas Smith Esq" \>j Order & on behalf of the Provincial Congress of the Colony of Neio YorTc of the other part.
1". The said Henry Watkeys Doth hereby agree to and with the said Leonard Lispenard, Richard Montgomerie, James Clinton &, Thomas Smith, that he the said Henry Watkeys shall & will use his utmost Diligence to finish all the muskets (the Barrels, Ramrods & Bayonets being fii'st provided by the Congress) in the following manner, towit : The Lock to be made agreeable to the Lock now delivered to him, marked Grice 1760, and the stock & mounting to be finished & the musket barrel polished agreeable to the musket now delivered to him marked N ' 20 and the said Henry Watkeys agrees to deliver the said muskets in small parcels as they are finished & Compleat the whole work with all possible Dispatch.
2diy_ fjjg g^i(j Leonard Lispenard, Richard Montgomerie, James Clinton & Thomas Smith in behalf of the said Congress Do agree to pay to the said Henry Watkeys for every musket which he shall deliver within Six Months compleatly finished in manner aforesaid the sum of Two pounds Five shillings, Provided the number doth not exceed One thousand. And in Order to enable the said Henry Watkeys to Comply with this Contract, It is agreed to advance to him the Sum of Fifty pounds, which sum is to be accounted for out of money that may be dne to him on the first parcel of muskets, that shall be delivered by him. — And it is understood by the parties, That the said Henry Watkeys is not to be entitled to the bounty offered by the Congress to encourage the making of muskets in this Colony, upon the muskets to be delivered by Yirtue of this Contract.
Ordered, that Col°. Clinton, Col°. McDougal, Mr. Brasher, Col". Woodhull, Col°. Tusten, Col". Cortlandt, Col". Rensselaer, Col". Blackwell, Capt. Piatt, Mr. Christopher Yates, Col°. Cortelyou, Mr. Van DerBiZt') & Major Williams be a Committee to form & determine the Bank of the Captains & inferior Ofiicers in each Regiment & of the Captains & inferior Officers of the several Regiments.
Die Satuenh, 9 ho. A. M., Jult T', 1775.
The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. Opened with Prayer by the Rev*, Dr. Auchmuty. Present &c. &c. &c. A letter from the Hon'"^ John Hancock Esq'. President of the Continental Congress was read & filed & is in the Words following to wit :
Philadelphia, 24'" June, 1775. Gentlemen :
By Order of the Congress I inclose you certain Resolves pass'd yesterday, respecting those, who were concerned in taking & Garrisoning Crown Point & Ticonderoga. As the Congress are of Opinion that the Employing the Green Mountain Boys in the American Army would be advantageous to the common Cause, as well on account of their Scituation as of their disposition «& Alertness, they are desirous. You should Embody them among the Troops you shall raise. As it is represented to the Congress, that they will not serve under any Officers, but such as they
' John VandcrhUt of Kiuga Co,
Nefw York in tlie Revolution. 15
themselves Choose, Ton are desired to consult with General Schuyler, in whom the Congress are informed these People place a great Coatidence, about the Field Officers to be set oyer them. To the members I am, Gentlemen, &c. &c.,
of the Provincial Congress, John Hancock, President.
New YorTc.
The Resolves mentioned & inclosed in the foregoing Letter were also read & are in the Words following to wit :
In Congress, June 23*, 1775. ***** Eesolved, that it be recommended to the Convention of New York, that they consulting with General Schuyler, employ in tlie American Army to be raised for the defence of Ainerica, those called Green Mowdain Boys under such Officers, as the said Oreen Mountain Boys shall chuse.
Another Letter from the President of the Continental Congress was read & is in the "Words following to wit :
Philadelphia, June 21^^, 1775.
Bj the Unanimous Vote of this Congress I am directed to assure you, that they have a high Sense of your Services in the common Cause of the United Colonies, & to inform you of the Appointment of the several General Officers to Command the Continental Forces, a List of whom I now inclose you ; the Subordinate Officers to be recommended by the Provincial Congresses to the General, to whom Commissions from this Congress are sent to be filled up agreeable to such Kecommeudation .
I am, Gentlemen, &c. &c.
John Hancock, Pres . To the Members of the " Provincial Congress New York.
The List of Officers mentioned & inclosed in the above Letter was also read & is as follows : Officers appointed by the Congress.
***** Philip Schuyler, Esquire, fourth Major General.'
***** Richard Montgomerie, second Brigadier General.
A Letter from Edward Flemming, Esq', signifying to this Congress his reasons for declining to accept of a Commission appointing him Lieutenant Colonel in the Regiment, whereof James Clinton, Esq" is Col°.
Ordered, that Col°. McDougaU. Mr. Scott & Col°. Clinton be a Committee to meet & confer with Messrs. Ethan Allen & Seth Warner & report the same with all convenient speed.
' Only the officers from New York are here given.
Proceedings of the Provincial Congress. Die Maetes 9 ho. A. M. July 4"" 1775.
Ordered, that Mr. Peter T. Curtenius get Uniform Coats made for all the Non-Commissioned Officers & Men to be raised in this Colony ; that the Coats of each Regiment be made with different Cuffs & facings.
Ordered, that Col". MoDougal have leave to nominate such Persons to fiU up the vacancies in his Eegiment below the rank of a Captain, as he may think proper, and that he report to this Congress such Persons, as he shall so nominate.
The Congress then resumed the Consideration of the Resolves of the Continental Congress bearing date the 23* instant, and after some time spent therein, the Congress was informed, that Ethan Allen was at the Door & desired admittance. * * * Ordered, that Ethan Allen be admitted.' He delivered a list of officers, which is filed :
A List of the Field Officers, Captains and part of the Lieutenants of the Regiment of Oreen Mountain Boys Consisting of Seven Companies.
Ethan Allen Seth Warner
Field Officers.
First Lieutg. Ira Allen John Grant Ehenezer Allen
Remember Baker
Robert Cochran
Michael Veal
Peleg Sutherling
Gideon Worren Wait Hophins
Heman Allen
Levi Allen Adjutant
Elijah Babcoch Comissary
Jonas Fay Doctor & Surrurgeon July 4"' 1775
Col° Aliens royal List of loyal Officers. Ethan Allen & Seth Warner having been heard they withdrew.
Ordered, that in Consequence of a Recommendation from the Continental Congress a Body of Troops not exceeding Five Hundred Men, Officers included, be forthwith raised of those called Green Mountain Boys, that they Elect all their own Officers except Field Officers. That Major General Schuyler be requested to forward this Order to them & receive from tlicm a List of such Officers, as they shall elect to be communicated to this Congress and that General Schuyler be further requested, witliout Delay to procure the Sense of those Troops concerning the Persons, who will be most agreable to them for Field Officers, and to make other inquiry & upon the whole advise this Congress, what Persons will be most proper to be appointed as field Officers to Command those Troops. That the said Troops, when raised, be considered as an independant Body, tlicir field Officers taking rank after the field Officers of the other Troops to be raised by tliia
The members for Albany, New York aud Richmond Cos. voted against the ad
of Ethan Allen.
New York in the Revolution. 1 7
Colony for tlie Continental Service, — That their Corps of Officers consist of one Lieutenant Col"., one Major, seven Captains & fourteen Lieutenants and that the General be furnished with Blank Warrants to be tilled up by him agreable to such election as above-mentioned.
Die Meecueii, 9 ho. A. M., July 5"" 1775. ******
William Tapp was mentioned to this Congress as a proper Person for Quarter Master of the first Regiment of Troops now raising iu this Colony & the Congress being informed, that Lieutenant Coll". Ritzema recommends him as a proper Person for that office, — Agreed, that he is approved of & that he be appointed to the said Office.
John Van Cortlandt Esq" informed the Congress, that the Artillery Company of the Marine Society agreable to the Recommendation of this Congress had nominated their Officers to serve under Captain Anthony Rutgers, to wit : Christopher Miller for their Captain Lieutenant, Patrick Dennis first Lieutenant, Anthomj Griffith Second Lieutenant & William Ritchie third Lieutenant and request the approbation of this Congress in the said Nomination. The Congress are of Opinion, that those Gentlemen will be proper Officers & do approve of & confirm the choice of the said Company in their Officers.
Die Jovis 9 no. A. M., July 6"^ 1775.
Resolved, that the Rev"*. Johii Peter Tetard be employed as french Interpreter to General Schuyler & as Chaplin for the Troops of this Colony & that his pay as Interpreter & Chaplin be equal to a Major's Pay.
Resolved, that Ten shillings shall be allowed to every Soldier, that shall inlist in the Continental Congress in this Colony, for the present Campaign, who shall furnish himself with a good musket to be approved of by the Muster Master & Armourer for each Regiment.
Die SATtiKNn, 9 ho. A. M., July 8"> 1775.
Ordered and a/jreed, that Jacobus Sioartwout be and is aj^pointed by this Congress Muster