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Journal of toe

Ropal microscopical Society



ZOOLOG-^2" J^JSTID BOTANY (principally Invertebrata and Cryptogamia)





Regius Professor of Natural History hi the University of Aberdeen


A. B. RENDLE, M.A. D.Sc. P.R.S. F.L.S.

Keeper, Department of Botany, British Museum


Woolwich Arsenal Assistant Bacteriologist Lister Institute

Minimis partibus, per totum Naturae campum, certitude- omnis innititur quas qui fugit pariter Naturam fugit. Linnatis.




of Messrs. WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 Henrietta Street, London, W.C. and ok Messrs. DULAU & CO., 37 Soho Square, London, W.

Extra and informal Meetings are held on the 1st and 4th Wednesday evenings of the month. These Meetings are devoted to : (1) Biology, Bacteriology, and Histology ; (2) Microscopical Optics and Microsope Construction.

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Established in 1839. Incorporated by Eoyal Charter in 1866.

The Society was established for the promotion of Microscopical and Biological Science by the communication, discussion, and publication of observa- tions and discoveries relating to (1) improvements in the construction and mode of application of the Microscope, or (2) Biological or other subjects of Microscopical Besearcb.

It consists of Ordinary, Honorary, and Ex-officio Fellows of either sex.

Ordinary Fellows are elected on a Certificate of Becommendation signed by three Ordinary Fellows, setting forth the names, residence, and description of the Candidate, of whom the first proposer must have personal knowledge. The certificate is read at two General Meetings, and the Candidate balloted for at the second Meeting.

The Admission Fee is 21. 2s. ; and the Annual Subscription 21. 2s., pay- able on election, and subsequently in advance on 1st January annually. The Annual Subscriptions may be compounded for at any time for 31/. 10s. Fellows elected at a meeting subsequent to that in February are only called upon for a proportionate part of the first year's subscription. The annual Subscrip- tion of Fellows permanently residing abroad is 1/. lis. 6<i. or a reduction of one-fourth.

Honorary Fellows (limited to 50), consisting of persons eminent in Microscopical or Biological Science, are elected on the recommendation of five Ordinary Fellows and the approval of the Council.

Ex-officio Fellows (limited to 100), consisting of the Bresidents for the time being of any Societies having objects in whole or in part similar to those of the Society, are elected on the recommendation of ten Ordinary Fellows and the approval of the Council.

The Council, in whom the management of the property and affairs of the Society is vested, is elected annually, and is composed of the Bresident, four Vice-Bresidents, Treasurer, two Secretaries, and twelve other Ordinary Fellows.

The Meetings are held on the third Wednesday in each month, from October to June, at 20 Hanover Square, W. (commencing at 8 p.m.). Visitors are admitted by the introduction of Fellows. (See preceding page.)

The Journal, containing the Transactions and Broceedings of the. Society, and a Summary of Current Besearches relating to Zoology and Botany (principally Invertebrata and Cryptogamia), Microscopy, &c, is published bi-monthly, and is forwarded post-free to all Ordinary and Ex-officio Fellows residing in countries within the Bostal Union.

The Library, with the Instruments, Apparatus, and Cabinet of Objects, is open for the use of Fellows daily (except Saturdays), from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is closed for four weeks during August and September.

Forms of proposal far Fellowship, and any further information, may be obtained by application to the Secretaries, or Assistant-Secretary, at the Library of the Society, 20 Hanover Square, W.

a 2



^.1 a st-'jp residents.


•Sir Richard Owen, K.C.B. D.C.L. M.D. LL.D. F.R.S. 1840-1

•John Lindley, Ph.D. F.R.S 1842-3

•Thomas Bell, F.R.S 1844-5

* James Scott Bowerbank, LL.D. F.R.S 1S46-7

•George Busk, F.R.S 1848-9

*Arthur Farre, M.D. F.R.S 1850-1

•George Jackson, M.R.C.S 1852-3

•William Benjamin Carpenter, C.B. M.D. LL.D. F.R.S. 1854-5

"George Shadbolt 1856-7

•Edwin Lankester, M.D. LL.D. F.R.S 1858-9

*John Thomas Quekett, F.R.S 1860

•Robert James Farrants, F.R.C.S 1861-2

•Charles Brooke, M.A. F.R.S 1863-4

* J ames Glaisher, F.R.S 1865-6-7-8

•Rev. Joseph Bancroft Reade, M.A. F.R.S 1869-70

*William Kitchen Parker, F.R.S 1871-2

*Charles Brooke, M.A. F.R.S 1873-4

•Henry Clifton Sorby, LL.D. F.R.S 1375-6-7

•Henry James Slack, F.G.S 1878

•Lionel S. Beale, M.B. F.R.C.P. F.R.S 1879-80

•Peter Martin Duncan, M.B. F.R.S 1881-2-3

•Rev. William Hy. Dallinger, M.A. LL.D. F.R.S. 1884-5-6-7 •Charles Thos. Hudson, M.A. LL.D. (Cantab.), F.R.S. 1888-9-90

Robert Braithwaite, M.D. M.R.C.S 1891-2

Albert D. Michael, F.L.S 1893-4-5-6

Edward Milles Nelson 1897-8-9

William Carruthers, F.R.S. F.L.S. F.G.S 1900-1

Henry Woodward, LL.D. F.R.S. F.G.S. F.Z.S 1902-3

Dukinfield Hy. Scott, M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. F.R.S. F.L.S. 1904-5-6 The Right Hon. Lord Avebury, P.C. D.C.L. LL.D.

F.R.S., etc 1907-8

Sir Edwin Ray Lankester, K.C.B. M.A. LL.D. F.R.S.

F.L.S. F.Z.S 1909

J. Arthur Thomson, M.A. F.R.S.E 1910

* Deceased.


Elected 19th January, 1911.

^jresiuent. Henry George Plbdier, F.R.S. F.L.S. F.Z.S.

l)ire-|1rcstucrits. *A. N. Disney, M.A. B.Sc. R. G. Hebb, M.A. M.D. F.R.C.P. E. Heron-Allen, F.L.S. F.Z.S. F.R.Met.Soc.

J. Arthur Thomson, M.A. F.R.S.E., Regius Professor of Natural History in the University of Aberdeen.

Cn a surer.

Wynne E. Baxter, J.P. D.L. F.G.S. F.R.G.S.

&tttttlXXU&. J. W. H. Eyre, M.D. F.R.S.E. *F. Shillington Scales, M.A. M.B. B.C.(Oantab.)

(Drumarn 11 embers of Council.

F. W. Watson Baker. J. E. Barnard. *Frederic J. Cheshire. Chas. Lees Curties.

C. F. Hill.

John Hopkinson, F.L.S. F.G.S. F.Z.S.

P. E. Radley. *Julius Rheinberg. *Charles F. Rousselet.

D. J. Scourfield, F.Z.S.

E. J. Spitta, L.R.C.P.(Lond.), M.R.C.S.(Eng.). Sir Almroth E. Wright, M.D. D.Sc. F.R.S.

* Members of the Publication Committee.


Percy E. Radley.


Charles F. Rousselet.

F. Shillington Scales, M.A. M.B. B.C.(Cantab.)

assistant secretary. F. A. Parsons.




I. Some African Rotifers : Bdelloida of Tropical Africa. By J. Murray,

F.R.S.E. F.Z.S. (Plates I., II.) 1

II. A Simple Method of Obtaining Instantaneous Photomicrographs. By

J. Edwin Barnard. (Fig. 1) 19

III. On the Use of a Metallic Electric Arc in Photomicrography. By

J. Edwin Barnard 21

IV. Aerator Suitable for Laboratory Aquaria. By F. J. Gemmill, M.A.

D.Sc. M.D. (Fig. 2) . .. .: .. .. 24

V. Adaptation of Ordinary Paraffin Baths for Vacuum Embedding. By

F. J. Gemmill, M.A. D.Sc. M.D. (Fig. 3) 26

VI. The President's Address : The Determination of Sex. By J. Arthur

Thomson, M.A 141

VII. On the Measurement of Grayson's New Ten-Band Plate. By A. A. C.

Eliot Merlin 160

VIII. Australian Rotifera : Collected by the Shackleton Antarctic Expedition,

1909. By J. Murray, F.R.S.E. (Plates IV, V.) 164

IX. Anomalies in Objective Screw Threads. By F. W. Watson Baker.

(Fig. 24) 175

X. Adams's " Variable " and the Evolution of the Modern Microscope. By

Edward M. Nelson (Figs. 25-30) 178

XI. Canadian Rotifera : Collected by the Shackleton Antarctic Expedition,

1909. By J. Murray, F.R.S.E. (Plates VI.-VIII.) 285

XII. On the Recent and Fossil Foraminifera of the Shore-sands of Selsey Bill, Sussex. VII. Supplement (Addenda et Corrigenda). By Edward Heron-Allen, F.L.S. F.R.M.S., and Arthur Earland, F.R.M.S. (Plates IX.-XIII.) 298

XIII. Rotifera of some Pacific Islands : Collected by the Shackleton Antarctic

Expedition, 1909. By James Murray, F.R.S.E. (Plates XIV., XV.) 429

XIV. On the Recent and Fossil Foraminifera of the Shore-sands of Selsey Bill, Sussex. VIII. Tabular List of Species and Localities. By Edward Heron-Allen, F.L.S. F.R.M.S., and Arthur Earland, F.R.M.S 436

XV. A Report on the Grayson's Rulings presented by Mr. C. Beck to the

Royal Microscopical Society. By E. J. Spitta 449

XVI. On some New Objectives and Eye-pieces by R. Winkel, of Gottingen.

By Edward M . Nelson 451

XVII. Rotifera of New Zealand : Collected bv the Shackleton Antarctic Ex- pedition, 1907-9. By James Murray, F.R.S.E. (Plates XVI., XVII.) 573

XVIII. South African Rotifera: Collected by the Shackleton Antarctic Ex- pedition, 1907. By James Murray, F.R.S.E. (Plate XVI.) .. .. 5S4



XIX.— Apparatus for Photomicrography with the Microscope standing in any Position, especially in Inclined Position, Liy Domingo de Orueta, F.R.M.S. (Figs. 70, 71) 588

XX.— A Method of Disintegrating Bacteria and other Organic Cells. By J.

Edwin Barnard, F.R.M.S. (Plate XVDX and Figs. 72, 73) .. .. 592

XXI. The Re-appearance of the Nucleolus in Mitosis. By E. J. Sheppard.

( Plate XIX.) 598

XXII. I. On the Structure of Scales from Thermobia domestica (Packard). ii. Description of a Model Producing an Optical Effect similar to the Cuneate Markings on Insect Scales. By James Strachan. (Plate XXIV.) 717

XXIII. Instantaneous Exposure in Photomicrography. By "Walter Bagshaw.

F.R.M.S. .. 721

XXIV. The Structural Detail of Coscinodiscus asteromphalus. By T. W.

Butcher, M.B. CM. F.R.M.S. (Plates XXV.-XXVII.) 722

XXV.— New British Enchyirreids. By The Rev. Hilderic Friend, F.L.S. F.R.M.S.

(Plate XXVIII.) , 730


Relating to Zoology and Botany (principally Invertebrata and Cbyptogamia), Microscopy, &c, including Original Communications from Fellows and Others.* 29, 185, 344, 453, 603, 737



a. Embryology-

Guyer, M. F. Accessory Chromosomes in Man 29

Molle, J. van Mammalian Spermatozoon 30

Davenport, Gertrude C, & Charles B. Inheritance of Skin-pigmentation in

Man 30

Morse, Max Sterility 30

Mironescu, T. Islands of Langerhans in the Human Embryo 31

Kuntz, A. Development of the Sympathetic Nervous System in Mammals . . .. 31

Development of the Sympathetic Nervous System in Birds 32

O'Donoghue, Chas. H. Duplicity in Chick Embryos 33

Pearl, R., & F. M. Surface Inheritance in Hybrid Poultry 34

Inheritance of Colour-pattern in Hybrid Poultry .. 34

Schmalhausen, J. J. Development of Limbs in Salamandrella kayserlingii .. .. 35

Hefford, A. E. Toleostean Ova and Larvae 35

Thomson, J. Arthur The President's Address : The Determination of Sex .. .. 141

Hektwig, O. Influence of Radium Rays on Ova. and Sperms 185

Rlckert, J. Polyspermy 185

Gregoire, Victor Unity af Meiotic Process in Plants and Animals 186

< rEDDES, A. ( '. Abnormal Bone-growth in Absence of Functioning Testes .. .. 186 Tschiuwinsky, N. Influence of Malnutrition and Castration on Development of

Sheep's Skeleton 186

Staoh, J. Development of Babbit's Teeth 186

Bruni. A. C Development of Vertebral Column in Iteptiles and Birds 186

* In order to make the Contents complete, the papers printed in the ' Transactions ' and the Notes printed in the 'Proceedings' are entered here.



Reese, Albert M. Development of Enteron in American Alligator 187

Wunderer, Hans Development of Alpine Salamander 187

Lissitsky, Eugen Production of Supernumerary Limbs in Amphibians 187

Reis, Caroline Development of Teleosts .. .. 187

Bolk, L. Development of Pigment-cells in Teleostean Embryos 187

McIlroy, A. Louise Oogenesis in Mammals 344

Sieglbauee, F. Development of the Extremities in Birds 345

Rosenberg, F. T. Development of the Limbs in Grebes 345

Mietens, H. Origin of White Blood-corpuscles and Spleen in Bufo vulgaris .. 346 Stromsten, Frank A. Structure and Development of Posterior Lymph-hearts of

Turtles 346

Goodale, H. W. Blastopore Closure in Amphibia 347

Brownlee, J. Inheritance of Complex Growth-forms 347

Regaud, Cl., & Th. Nogier Castration by X-rays 347

Th. Nogier & Cl. Regaud— Sterilization by X-rays 347

Mazzetti, L. Interstitial Testicular Cells and Secondary Sex Characters .. . . 348

Smith, Geoffrey Injection of Testis-extract into Hens 348

Warren, Ernest Mammalian Sports 348

Punnett, R. C. Mendelism 453

Plate, L. Heredity and Evolution 453

Bataillon, E. Experimentally Induced Parthenogenesis in Toad 454

Artificial Parthenogenesis of Toad's Egg 454

Artificial Parthenogenesis in Toad 454

Dehorne, A. Number of Chromosomes in Parthenogenetically produced Larvse of

the Frog 454

Romieu, M. Plasmic Reduction in Spermatogenesis 454

Doncaster, L., & F. H. A. Marshall Effects of One-sided Ovariotomy on Sex of

Offspring 454

Hickson, Sydney J. Origin of Sex 454

Iwanoff, E. Fertility of Hybrids of American and European Bison 455

Chappelier, A. State of Ovary in Hybrids of Goldfinch and Canary 455

Bonhote, J. Lewis Webfoot Character in Pigeons 455

Gaskell, J. F. Action of X-rays on Developing Chick 455

Stromsten, F. A. Lymph-hearts of Turtles 455

Goodrich, E. S. Occipital Region of Vrodela 456

Jorgensen, Max Ovarian Ovum of Proteus 456

Kusch akewitsch. Sergius Development of Gonads in Frog 456

Marcus, Harry Development of Head in Hypogeophis 456

Makuschok, M. Development and Evolution of Lungs 457

Arldt, Th. Evolution-centres 457

Schaffer, J. Post-natal Remains of the Notochord in Mammals 603

Athias, M. Maturation of the Mammalian Ovum 603

Sobotta, J. Early Development of White Mouse 603

Bluntschli, H. Teeth of Two Dentitions in a Dermoid Cyst 604

Poll, Heinrich Ovary in Hybrid Birds 604

Smith, Geoffrey Fluctuations in Growth of Fold's Comb 604

Kunkel, B. VV. Development of Turtle Skull 605

Kuntz, A. Sympathetic Nervous System in Turtles 605

,, Sympathetic Nervous System in Fishes 606

Kopsch, Fr.— Early Development of Trout 607

Heronimus, Ch. Development of Pectoral Fin in Amia 607

Agar, W. E. Spermatogenesis of Lepidosiren 608

Broesike, G. Nature of Seminal Fluid in Man 608

Daniel, J. Frank— Gestation in White Mice 737

Bataillon, E. Factors of Traumatic Parthenogenesis 737

Berger, A. Alleged Lactation of Male Lepusbairdii 737

Bonhote, J. Lewis, & F. W. Sm alley Colour Inheritance in Pigeons 738

Peebles, Florence Interchange of Limbs of Chick by Transplantation 738

Bianco, Salvatore Lo Influence of Environment on Reproductive Period .. .. 738

Wintrebert, P. Involution of Tail in Alytes obstetricans 738

Dakin, W. J. Physiology of Fish-eggs and Larvse 738

Williamson, H. Chas. Retarding Development of Herring's Eggs 739



WAGNER, K. Colouring of Trout 739

Geoboi, W. Origin of Notochord Epithelium 740

Sunier, A. L. J. Development of Myotomes 740

Mazzktti, L. Hole of Interstitial Testicular Cells 740

6. Histolog-y.

Hirschler, J. Interstitial Tissue of Striped Muscle 35

Mkncl, E. Direct Division of Red Blood Corpuscles in Scorpxna 35

Toyofuku, Tomaki Cartilage in Thymus of Rat 35

Curtis, M. Ligaments of Oviduct of Domestic Fowl 35

Burrows, Montrose T., & others Culture of Tissues outside the Organism .. 13S

Dantschakofp. Wera Blood -formation in Grass Snake 188

Patella, Vincenzo Endothelial Genesis of Leucocytes 188

( auwenberghe, A. van Giant-cells of Mole 's Placenta 188

Schaffer, Joseph Chordoid Tissue 188

Kolmer, Walthek Eye of Pteropus 189

Loewenthal, N. Thread-like Structures in Epidermic Cells of Tadpoles .. .. 189

Samssoncw, N., & F. Meves Threads and Granules in the Cytoplasm 189

Rosenstadt, B. Protoplasmic Fibres in Epidermic Cells 189

Kulmer, W. Supporting Elements in Sensory Epithelium 189

Faure-Fremiet, M. E. Continuity of Mitochondria through many Generations of

Cells 190

Karl, Joseph Reticular Apparatus in Cells of Corpus Luteum 190

Cilimbaris, P. A. Pigment-cells in Sheep's Cornea 190

Kohn, A. Pigment in the Human Neurohypophysis 190

Zarnik, B.— Kidney of Gecko 190

Schultze, Oskar Direct Connexion between Muscle-fibrih and Tendon-fibrils .. 348

Loginoff, \V.|J. Tracheal Epithelium in Domestic Mammals 349

Mollier, S. Structure of Spleen Capillaries 349

Oppel. Albert New kind of Cell in Br unner's Glands 349

Dubreuil, G. Mitochondria of Adipose Cells 349

Schultze, Oskar Origin of Granules in Gland Cells 349

Jolly, J. Mitotic Figures in Isolated Tissues 349

Pettit, A. Mitosis in Grafted Tissue 350

Magitat, A. Survival of Excised Cornea 350

Erhabd, H. Trophospongia and Chrcmidia .. 457

Schneider, Karl ( amillo Study of Chromosomes in Salamander 457

Howard, W. T.— Nuclear Budding in Tumor-cells 458

Barbieri, N. A. Physical Nature of Neuroplasm 458

Retterer, E., & A. Lelievre Union of Muscle-fibre and Tendinous-fibre .. 458

Jolly, J. Involution of Bursa Fabricii 458

Firket, Jean Epidermic Fibrils in Chick 458

Fedele, M. Innervation of Heart in Reptiles and Batrachians 458

Foot, J. S. Minute Structure of Femoral Bones 608

Retteker, E., & Aug. Lelievre— Red Blood Corpuscles of Mammals 609

Zimmermann, K. W. Epithelial Cells of Mammalian Kidney 609

Retterer, E., & Aug. Lelievre Tendons of Whig and Leg in Bats 609

Schaxel, Julius Cytoplasm, Chondriosomes, and Chromidia 609

Edin<;er. L. Path of Hypophysis-secretio 610

Vibchow, Hans Conjuctival Epithelium in Man 610

Ditlevsen, Christian Nuclear Budding in Corneus Epithelium 610

Fritsch, Gustav— Retina of Birds 610

Jacobson, L. Grouping of Nerve-cells in Spinal Cord of Tench 610

^chiefferdecker, P.— Muscles of Lamprey till

Jolly, J. Survival of Isolated Leucocytes 611

Neumann, E.— Spindle-cells of Amphibian Blood 740

Fritsch, Gustav Eye of Pteropus 740

Grynfeltt, E. Eye of Protopterus 741

Sala, Luigi Distribution of the Muscle-fibres in Heart of Fislies 741

Sanzo, L. Cutaneous Pa pillx in Gobius 741



Douville, Henri Evolution of Man 36

Trouessart, E. L. European Mammals ., 36

Miller, Gerritt S. Six New European Mammals 36

TiANKESTER, E. Ray Atlas of the Okapi .. .. 36

Danois, E. Spermaceti-organ of Kogia breviceps > .. 37

Perkins, G. H. Fossil Cetacea 37

Stapeley, Walter Guttural Pouches of Horse 37

Hofherr, Otto Relative Immunity of Birds to Anthrax 37

Guerin-Ganivet, J. Grass Snake in the Sea 37

Leger, Louis Muddy Taste in Fresh-water Fishes 37

Cockerell, T. D. A. Scales of Fishes 38

Chaine, J. Variations in Ureters of Weever 38

Fowler, H. W. Variation of Species of Notropis 38

Haejipel, O. Growth of Salmo hucho 38

Juday, Chancey Biological Stations 38

Thomson. J. Arthur Outlines of Zoology 39

IIii.zhei.mer, M. Atavism 191

Clark, Austin Hobart Interesting Structural Analogy 191

Leduc, Stephane Osmotic Growths .. 191

Kaudern, W. Male Genital Organs in Inseclivora and Lemuridx 191

True, Frederick W. Beaked Whales 192

Sterling, S. Musculature of Pectoral Girdle and Flipper in Cetacea 192

Gaupp, E. Homology of Mammalian Lachrymal .. 192

Bardeleben, Karl von— Right- and Left-handedness 192

Versluys, J. Birds and Deinosaurs 192

Lelievre, A., & E. Retterer Ileal Csecum of Birds 192

Beebe, C. W. Account of the Boatzin 193

Billard, G., & E. Maublant Immunity to Viper Venom 193

Stehli, Georg Evolution of Reptilian Scales 193

Okajima, K.— Ear of Urodela 193

Fischer, H.— Total 'Closure of Gut in Healthy Frog 193

Popta, C. M. L. Function of Swim-bladder 19 +

Dammermann, K. W .—Structure and Function of the Saccus vasculosus in Fishes 194

Knauer, K. Ventral Musculature of Fishes 19-4

Elmhirst, Richard— Yawning in Fishes 194

Derjugin, K. Pectoral Girdle and Fins of Teleosteans 195

Stead, David G.— Fisheries of New South Wales 195

Colomina, A. de Large Sun-fish 195

Spillman, L., & L. Bruntz Elimination by Leucocytes 195

Daday, E. von Fresh-water Microfauna of German East Africa 195

Mayer, A. G. Converse Relation between Ciliary and N euro-muscular Movements 350

Pocock, R. I. Cutaneous Scent-glands of Ruminants 351

Ewart, J. L'ossar Descent of Cattle .. 351

Danvis, Ed. Head of Kogia Breviceps 351

West, James A. Food of Shrew-mole 352

Wood, F. E. Habits of Shretv-mole 352

Tracey. H. C— Directive Markings of Passerine Birds . •• 352

Magnan & De la Riboisiere Size of Spleen in Birds 352

Trawinski, A.— Penis of Drake and Gander :!:,3

Grinnell, Joseph Linnet of Hawaiian Islands 353

Wilson, E. A.— Changes of Plumage in Red Grouse 353

Annandale, N. New Burmese Frog 353

Schlesinger, G. Electric Eels 354

Fage, Louis— Study of Specie* of Gadus 354

Regan, C. Tate Synopsis of Lampreys 354

McDermott, F. Alex. Photogenic Function in Marine Organisms 355

Hess, C. Sense of Light in Animals 355

Vialleton, L. Morphology of the Vertebrates 459

Livon, Ch., & Peyron Pigmentation of the Nervous Lobe of the Hypophysis .. 459

Lonnberg, Einar Pelvic Bones of some Cetacea 459



Km ii.sky, D. Natural Immunity of White Mice to Trypanosoma lewisi 459

Legendre, R., & H. Pieron I'hysiology of Sleep 459

Jolly, J. Hiemapoietic Function of Spleen in Embryo Bird 160

Function of Bursa lrabricii 460

Streckek, John K., jun. Notes on the Robber Frog 460

Dehaut. E. G. Heart of Lungless Urodela 460

Stromer, Ernst Fossil Lepidosirenidx 460

Frisch, Karl von Colour-change in Fishes 460

Tracy, II. C. Swim-bladder of Teleosts 461

Chambers, Helen, & S. Russ Action of Radium Radiations on Blood 'ill

Bouchard, Ch. Sleeping and Waking 611

Truschel Sense of Direction in Blind 612

Bartels, Paul Flica semilunaris in Hereros and Hottentots 612

Gaupp, E. Vertebrate Lower Jaw 612

Allan, Glover M. Mammals of West Indies 612

Curl, H. C. Digestive System of Hornbill 612

Spdlski, B. New Species of Odontopteryx , 613

Juillet, A. Air-sacs in Birds 613

Delezenne, C, & S. Ledebt Snake-poison and Yolk of Egg 613

Smallwood, W. M., & C. G. Rogers Effects of Starvation on Necturus maculatus 613

Kennel, Pierre Corpora adiposa of Amphibians 613

Wintrebert, P. Lateral Line System in Tadpoles of Alytes and Rana 614

Wolff, Gustav Regeneration in Newts 614

Franz, V. Function of Cerebellum in Fishes 614

Unna, P. G. Reduction and Oxidation in Animal Tissues 614

Bethe, Albrecht Equilibration in Aquatic Animals 614

Herdman, W. A. Summer Plankton of West of Scotland and Irish Sea .. .. 614

Heinis, Fr. Moss- fauna of Central America 615

Petersen, C. G. Joh., & P. Boysen Jensen Animal Life of Sea-bottom .. .. 741

Manderh, N. Validity of some Forms of Mimicry 741

Toldt, K. Different kinds of Hair 71-

Gaupp, E. Composition of the Lower Jaw .. .. 742

Trouessart, E. L. Origin of Domestic Dog 743

Schmaltz, R. Reproductive Organs of Domestic Animals 743

Virchow, Hans Mobility of Penguin's Vertebral Column 743

Thomson, A. Landsborough Migration of Birds 743

Curtis, Maynie R. Weighing Parts of Eggs 744

Phisalix, Marie Bite of Heloderma 744

Arthis, M , & B. Stawska Toxins and Antitoxins 744

Kennel, P. Corpora Adiposa of Frog 744

Reymond, C. du Bois Tadpoles with strongly developed Lips 745

Oshima, Hiroshi Luminous Organs in Fishes 745

"Williamson, H. Chas. Ichthyological Notes 746

Elmhirst, Richard Ambi-coloured Flatfish 746


Daumezon, G. Tenacity of Life in Ciona intestinalis 461


Daday, E. v. Fresh-water Microfauna from German East Africa 39

Broch, Hjalmar Plankton of Spitzbergen 39

Herdman, W. A. Scottish and Irish Plankton 355

Daday, E. von Micro-fauna of the Nile 355


Nobre, A. Molluscs of Portuguese East Africa 355

Stelfox, A. W. Molluscs of Ireland 356

Colgan, Nathaniel Marine Molluscs of Clare Island 461

Horwood, A. R. Layers of the Molluscan Shell 746


a- Cephalopoda-


Hoyle, W. E.— Genera of Dibranchiate Cephalopoda l^fa

WiJLKEB, G. Japanese Cephalopods ". ]•■

Berry, S. Stillman New Cephalopods from Hawaiian Islands /4b

y- Gastropoda.

Odhner, Nils Genus Cumanotus 39

Vessichelli, N. Structure of Phylliroe bucephala 39

Bergh, R. Opisthobranchs of South Africa 39

Trojan, E. Glands and Luminescence of P kyllirhoe 196

Born, Ernst Minute Structure of PhyUirhoe bucephala 196

Rolle, H. Abnormal Shells of Achatina < 196

Dreyer, Thos. F. Blood-vessels and Nerves of JEolididie and Tritoniadas .. .. 196

Germain, L. Cavernicolous Gastropods 356

Wood, Elvira Phytogeny of Cerithiidx 356

Lang, Arnold Beating of the Heart in Hibernating Snail 462

Lee, A. Bolles Reduction in the Spermatogenesis of the Snail 462

Quintaret, G. Abnormality in Snail 462

Reed, F. R. Cowper New Fossil Chiton from Gir van 615

Perrier, Remy. & Henri Fischer Mantle-cavity and Pallial Organs of Bulleidse 747

Spiro, J. Alimentary Canal of Helix pomatia 747

Petersen, C. G. Joh. Damage to Plaice-fishing by Whelks 747

5. Lamellibranchiata.

Dakin, W. J. Visceral Ganglion of Pecten 40

Fabre-Domergue Cleansing Oysters r-> .. 40

Feeding Habits of Oysters 40

Drew, G. H., & W. De Morgan Reaction of Tissues of Pecten to Implantation of

Foreign Bodies 356

Tur, Jan Influence of Radium on the Development of Pholas Candida 462

Israel, W. Notes on Fresh-water Mussels 462

Southwell, T. Avicula and Gorgonid Association 463

Poyarkoff, E. Incubation of Cyclas Embryos .. 463

Kostanecki, K.— Artificial Parthenogenesis in Mactra 615

Ewald, W. F. Contraction of Adductors in Fresh-water Mussels 616


a. Insecta.

Lovell, John H. Colour-sense of Hive-bee 40

Bugnion, E., & N. Popoff Scelioiiid Parasite of Spider's Eggs 41

Holste, Georg Nervous System of Dytiscus marginalis 41

Silvestri, F. New Termitophilous Staphylinid 41

Kirchhoffer, O. Eye of Dermestes 41

Deegener hitestinal Secretion in Dytiscus 41

Lea, Arthur M. Beetles in Ants' Nests 42

Meijere, J. C. H. de, & Hj. Jensen Insects in Nepenthes Pitchers 42

Perez, Ch. Beginning of Muscular Phagocytosis in Larval Muscids 42

Metamorphosis of Intestinal Musculature in Muscid Larvse 42

Brindley, H. H. Habits of Procession Caterpillar 42

Cook, Margaret Harris Spermatogenesis in Lepidoptera 43

Dampf, Alfons New Flea from Jerboa 43

Russ, E. L. Head-glands of Caddis-worms 44

Carpenter, George H. Injurious Insects in Ireland 44

Marchal, Paul Notes on Chermes pin i 44

Neeracher, Ferdinand Insects of the Rhine 197

Zander, Enoch, & F. Stellwaag Studies on Bees 197



Metzer, Christian Junction of Fore-gut and Mid-gut in Hive-bee 1 97

Friese, II., & F. von Wagner— Species and Varieties of Humble-bees 197

Mast, S. O. Blow-fly Lame and Gratify 198

Perez. C. Metamorphosis of Blow-fly 198

Roubaud, E. Oviparity and Viviparity in Dung-fly I 'AS

Torne, Oskar Suctorial Di*ks of Male Dytiscids 198

Gunthert, Thomas Oogenesis in Dytiscid as 198

Deibel, Johannes Respiration in Donacia and Macro-plea 198

Jusbaschjanz, Simeon Post-embryonic Development of Stratiomydas 199

Bottgee, Otto Brain of Lepisma , 199

Hagemann, J. Study of Corixa 199

Pocock, R. I. Mimicry of Ant by Larval Mantis 356

Wheeler, W. M. North American Species of Camponatus 357

Poiovici-Baznosanu, A. Study of Sphegidm 357

Doncaster, L. Spermatogenesis iii Currant-moth 357

Paiva, C. A. Carnivorous M.squito Larvae, 358

Crosby, C. K. Apple Red Bugs .. . . 358

Hooper, David Secretion of Ghost Bug 358

Andrews, E. A., & A. R. Middleton Rhythms in Termite Communities .. . . 463

Mercier, Yj— Insects as Disseminators of Enjot 463

Schiberg, A. Dissemination of Disease by Stomxys calcitrans 463

Leon, N. Roumanian Mosquitos 463

Kieffer, J. J. East Indian Chi ronomidai 463

Popoff, M. Chromidia in Cells of Museidas 464

Purtier, P. Digestion in Wood-eating Caterpillars 464

Conte, A., & C. Vaney Acephalous Lepidoptera 464

Schwangart Grape Sloths _ .. 464

McUermott, F. A., & C. G. Crane Photogenic Organs of Lampyridas 464

Sasaki, C. Life-history of Schlechtendalia chinensis 465

Gravely. F. H. Degenerate Cockroach 465

Neumann, L. G. Mallophaga from Southern Birds 465

Lewis, R. T. Larva of Mantispa 465

Krauss, H. A. Monograph on Embidse 465

Shelford, R. Blattidse in Amber 465

Handlirsch, Anton New Palaeozoic hisects 466

Felt, E. P. Injurious Insects 466

Hollande, A. Ch. Blood of Insects 616

Sulc, Karel Symbiosis of Yeasts and, Insects 616

Demoll, R. Migration of Iris-pigment in Compound Eye 616

Board of Agricultire Bee Disease 616

- Meek, C F. U. Spermatogenesis of Stenobothrus viridulus 617

Waterston, J. New Flea from South Africa 617

Hufnagkl, A. Fatty Body during Metamorphosis 618

Ritter, Wolfgang Flying Apparatus of Blow-fly 618

Summers, Sophia L. M. Oriental Species of Stomoxys 618

Bezzi, M. Gave Diptera 618

Llhmann, N., & ('.Vaney Occurrence of Ox-warbles 619

Alcock, A. Classification of Culicidas 619

Marchal, Paul Parasites of Olive-fly 619

Bounoure, L. Digestive Ferments of Beetles 619

Bugnion, E. Buccal Parts of a Ceylonese Staphylinid 619

Jeannel, R. Revision of Bathysciinx 620

Lesne, Pierre Nutritive Habits of Bostrychidie *'.^0

Zacher, Fr. Position and Classification of Protodermaptera 620

Shoebotham, J. W. New Collembola in England 620

Bolton, H. Insect Remains from South Wales Coalfield 620

Strachan, James 1. On the Structure of Scales from Thermobia domestica (Packard). 2. Description of a Model Producing an Optical Effect similar

to the Cunate Markings on Insect Scales. (Plate XXIV.) 717

Berlese, Antonio Studies on Injurious Insects 747

Kapzov, Serge Minute Structure of Cuticle in Insects 747

Verson, E. Moulting in Silkworms 748



Lea, Arthur M. New Stag-beetles 748

Rungius. H. Alimentary Canal of Dytiscus .. .. 748

Gravely, F. H. Large Egg Laid by a Beetle 748

Dubois, R. Fluorescence in Luminous Insects 748

Doncaster, L. Gametogenesis of Gall-fly 748

Bruce, David, & others Tabanids and Trypanosomas 749

Ricardo, Gertrude Revision of Oriental Species of Tabanus 749

Lehmann, N., & C. Vaney Influence of Weather Conditions on Frequency of

Warbles 749

Brown, J. M. Respiration and Circulation in Tipula maxima 749

Gravely, F. H. Mosquito sucked by Midge - 750

Tileyard, R. J. Experiments with Dragon-fly Larvx 750

Zanarzin, A. Histological Study of the Innervation of the Heart of Larval Dragon- fly 750

Bugnion, E., & N. Popofp Buccal Apparatus of Hemiptera 750

Buffa, Pietro Study of a Thrips 750

Wesenberg-Lund, C. Study of Phryganea qrandis 750

Mjorerg, Eric— Studies on Mallophaga and Anoplura 751

@- Myriopoda.

Brolemann, H. W. Cavernicolous Myriopoda 44

Reinecke, Georg Study of Polyxenus 199

Baldwin, W. British Carboniferous Myriopods 200

Hirst, S. New Termitophilous Millipede 621

Chalande, Jules Doubling of Segments in Myriopods 621

Verhoeff, Karl W. Studies on Millipedes 752

d'Hercclais, J. Kunckel Habits of Scutigera coleoptrata 752

7- Prototracheata.

Andrews, E. A. Jamaica Peripatus 466

Brues, Charles T. New Species of Peripatus from Grenada 752

5. Arachnida.

Comstock, J. H. Palpi of Male Spiders 44

Neumann, L. G. Neio Ixodidx 44

Elmassian, M. Salivary Glands of Ticks 45

Sweet, Georgina New Species of Argas 45

Cole, Leon J. Pacific Pycnogonids 45

,, Notes on Endeis spinosus 45

Petrunkevitch, A. Circulatory System of Lycosa carolinensis 200

Reuter, Enzio Mites and\Tumours 200

Soar, Charles D. Hydrachnids of East African Lakes 200

Elmhirst, Richard Pycnogonids of Clyde Area 200

Bugnion, E. Pentastomum of Python 200

Freund, Ludwig Ear Mite of Cattle 359

Kew, H. Wallis False Scorpions of British Isles 359

Johnston, E. A. New Species of Linguatula 359

Murray, James Antarctic and other Tardigrada 359

Ludaiila & Wladimir Schimkewitsch Development of Tetrapneumones .. .. 466

PocoCK, R. I. Carboniferous Arachnida 467

Schtschelkanowzew, J. P. Male Reproductive Organs of Chelifer and Chernes .. 467

Carpenter, G. H. Sudanese Pycnogonids 467

Bocvier, E. L. New Decapod Pycnogonid 467

Shipley, A. E. New I'entastomid 468

Murray, J ames— Notes on Tardigrada 468

Ludmilla & VV. Schimkewitsch Development of Ischnocolus 621

Halbert, J. N. Fresh-ivater Mites of Clare Island 621



Kew, H. Wallis Pseudoscorp ions of Clare Inland 621

Theiller, A. Transmission of Amahebe by Brown Tick 622

Babtabelli, E., & V. Paranhos Alleged Importance of Demodex in Spreading

Leprosy 622

Henneke, J. Structure and Hahits of Macrobiotics macronyx 622

Murray, James Clare Island Water-bears 622

Walcott, Charles D. Middle Cambrian Merostomata .. 622

Johnston, T. Harvey, & J. Burton Cleland Pentastomes in Australian Cattle 623

Bonnet, A. Caverniculous Gamasids 752

Guercio, Giacomo del Studies on Injurious Mite* 752

Paoll, Guido Monograph on Tarsonemidie 752

«• Crustacea.

Kemp, S. Photophore* of Decapod Crustacea 45

Cole, Leon J. Abnormal Cheliped of Lobster 46

Calman, W. T. Heterocuma 46

Dees, Eugene Daday de Monograph of Phyllopoda Anotfraca 46

Neio Antarctic Phyllopod 47

Quidor, A. Affinities of Philichthydx 47

Calman, W. T. Parasitic Copepod, from Cephalodiscus 47

Chapman, Frederick Ostracods from Funafuti 47

Birge, E. A. Notes on Cladocera .. .. , .. 47

McIntosh, D. C. Genital Pores in Norway Lobster 201

Racovitza, E. G., & R. Sevastos Fossil Idoteid 201

Defner, A. Maxillary Glands of Cirripedes 201

Tollinger. M. Annunziata Geographical Distribution of Diaptomidx .. ■■ 201

Marsh, C. Dwight Revision of North American Species of Cyclops 201

Zulueta, Antonie de Copepods Parasitic on Alcyonarians 202

Tattersall, W. M. Schizopods from North-east Atlantic Slope 359

Williamson, H. C. Larval Stages of Decapods . . 468

Weymouth, F. W. Calif omian Crabs 468

Calman, W. T. New and Rare Cumacea 468

Beresford, Denis R. Pack, & Nevin H. Foster Woodlice of Ireland 469

Calman, W. T. New Carboniferous Crustacean 469

Annandale, N. Barnacles from Irish Seas 469

Chatton, E., & E. Brkment Neiv Ascidicolous Copepod 469

Doflein, F. Behaviour of Prawns 623

Marcus, Kurt— Olfactory Structures in Galatheids 623

Gruvel, A. Classification of Rock Lobsters 623

Wege, W. Anatomical and Experimental Study of Asellus aquaticus 623

Gravier, Ch. Cirripede and other Commensals of Madrepores 624

Andrews, E. A. Sperm Transfer in certain Decapods 753

Schlegel, C. Development of Maia squinado 753

Sollaud & Tilho Palasmo7i niloticus in Lake Tchad 753

Chiltern, Charles Crustacea of Kermadec Islands 753

Mercier, L., & R. de Drouin de Bouville Crayfish Plague 753

Chilton, Charles Dispersal 'of Marine Crustacea by Sliips 754

Studies on New Zealand Crustaceans 754

Sollaud, E. Primitive Fresh-uater Prawn 754

Sexton, E. W. Genus Leptocheirus 754

Richardson, Harriet New Parasitic Isopod 755

Spiny Terrestrial Isopod 755

Stewart, F. H. Development and Minute Structure of Scalpellum and Ibla.. .. 755

Annandale, Nelson Rhizocephalous Crustacean from Fresh-water 755

Wilson, C. B. New Parasitic Copepods 755

North American Ergasilidx 756

Development of Achtheres 756

Esterly, C. O. Diurnal Migrations of Calanus finmarchicu* 757

Brady, G. Stewardson Ostracods from Madeira 757

Wolteeeck, R. Sex- determination in Daphnids 757


Annulata. page

Perez, Ch. Guticular Warts of Pilargis verrucosa 47

Elwes. E. V. Littoral Polyckseta of Torqua y 48

Hurwitz, S. H. Reaction* of Earthworms to Acids 48

Michaelsen, W. Caucasian Earthworms 48

Martiis, Luigi Cognetti de Internal Fertilization in Pareudrihts 202

Honig, Josef Neurochords of Criodrilus 202

Staff, Franz Development of Criodrilus lacuum .. 202

Ashworth, J. H. Studies on Arenicolidse 202

Arenicola loveni 203

Michel, Aug. Precision of Regeneration in Polynoids 203

Hacklov, L. Sensilli and Eyes of Medicinal Leech .. .. '.. 203

Ritter-Zahony, Rudolf von Chxtognatha from Ireland 203

West Indian Chxtognatha 204

( oventry, A. F. Theory of Dwarf Males in Myzostoma 204

Southern, R. Pelagic Polychxts of Irish Seas 360

McIntosh, W. O. Notes on Polychxts 360

Dershawin, A. Polychxt from the Delta of the Volga 360

Shearer. Oreswell Development of Trochophore of Hydroides 360

Sollas, Igerna B.J. Parasitic Castration of Earthworms 360

Johannson, L. Extra-enteric Aperture in a Leech 361

Stephenson, J. Oligochset Commensals in Spongilla carteri 469

Bothrion iris 469

Harding, W. A. New Leech from Egypt 470

Scriban, J. A. Adipose Cells of Pont obtlella muricat a, 624

Buchanan, Gwynneth, & others Studies on Australian Earthworms .. .. 624

Bialkowska, Wanda, & /ofia Kulikowska Nerve-cells of Leech and Earthworms 624

Heinen, Adolph Nephthyidm and Lycoridm of the North Sea and the Baltic . . 624

Mesnil, F., & M. Caullery Papillomatous Neo-formati n in an Annelid .. .. 625

Sokolow, Iwan New Species of Ctenodrilus Q25

Friend, Hilderic, The Rev. New British Enchytrseids 730
