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And he removed from thence and digged another well, and for that they strove not ; and he called the name of it Rehoboth, and he said: For now the Lord hath made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the Land.

GE.\. xxvi., 22.






Mercury Publishing Co., Printers, \ KrF.WpnRT r t C. A. Hilcken, Binder, ] WEWPORT> K- lr




REHOBOTH 1642-1895.

, Bis, Deaths.





NOTE: The marriages are given in strict duplicate and the intention date follows the marriage date, the latter being of the most importance and there- fore given first. In many instances the family name is spelled differently as well as pronounced differently. In some cases we have followed this difference: in others, as there seemed two common ways of spelling, we take the one used the most commonly. In some cases we have noted in parentheses the spelling of the name in the record.




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^* ■> WORKS OF » ,_ *


Vital Record of Rhode Island.

1636- I 850.

Vol. I. Kent County, Price $10.00

Vols. II & III. Providence, $10.00 Vol. IV. Newport, $7.50

Vol. V. Washington, $5.00 Vol. VI. Bristol, $5.00

Vol. VII. Friends and Ministers, $7.50' Vol. VIII. Church Records, $7.50- Vol. IX. Church Record, Con. (in press), $7.50 Vital Record of Rehoboth, 1642-1896 (in press), $10.00


8 Vols, unbound, Price $16.00

The Fones Record $1.50 Aylesworth Genealogy $5.00 •Church Genealogy *Pen Pictures of Narragansett *A Statement of the Case •The Indian Claim •Colonial Reminiscences


Providence, R. L

•Out of piint or not for sale.


Rehoboth is a town whose history and colonial experiences are equalled by few and surpassed by none in the State; a town which long held the position of being the most populous in the Old Colony and for a time the most populous (after the Union), in the two colonies; a town which came very near being chosen for the site of the capital ; a town within whose borders commenced and ended Philip's war. Its people have been more than ordinarily enterprising, [t is therefore becoming that the old town should have her BOOK OF LIFE compiled and pub- lished, and it can not fall into better hands than one whose ancestors once lived and flourished here. This work is therefore undertaken more with a view of preserving this invaluable record than for pecuniary compensation.

When this work was first projected it was estimated that if Pawtucket and Seekonk were included it could be held within the compass of an ordinary volume, but as the work went on it was found impossible to publish more than old Rehoboth in this and let the other two towns- form another volume.

A very unfortunate thing has happened in regard to this matter in relation to Pawtucket. The books containing that town's record from 1828 to 1843 are missing and have not as yet been found. The compiler is having a thorough investigation made in order to be fully satisfied as to whether or not the books are still in existence, and he hopes to be able to. find them.

The work of Intentions in Rehoboth was found to be in very poor condition and the writing faint. The book had been in a damp place for a long time so that the paper had become very rotten and crumbled badly when touched. It had to be read very carefully under glass. Owing to its poor condition the page could not be given, many of the leaves being loosened from the bindings, etc. We observed that the names and dates when compared with the marriages in many cases disagree. These matters must be solved by the reader by other evidence than was be- fore the compiler of this work at the time of writing. Frequently the name of the bride is different, but this the marriage record corrects, be-


cause the latter record would be apt to be given more carefully and so recorded.

The volumes containing the Vital Records are in fine condition, al- though the older volumes need binding. In fact the good people of this town could not do a more graceful thing than to vote an appropriation to bind and rebind the town records.

Before we go further we wish to extend our thanks to Hon. Ellery L. Goff, the Town Clerk, for his interest in, and for courtesies extended to us during our visit at his office in the compilation of this volume. Our thanks are also extended to all other friends who have bestowed favors and courtesies upon us.

We would call attention to the plan of this work, and say that it is not only an Index, but it is also a history as it gives all the vital feat- ures of the original record. This work does not give matter at a ven- ture, but book and page for every line.

It is needless for the compiler to say that he has spared no pains in order to give a grand and reliable work, and, while he fully realizes that works of this kind can never be made perfect, he flatters himself there are as few errors in this as there can be found in any other work of this class.

While he regrets that he was not able to include Pawtucket and See- konk in this volume, as was intended at first, yet he trusts the invaluable tables and lists of the early proprietors, freemen and inhabitants, as well as the soldiers of Philip's War and of the Revolution, and the Colonial Returns, will in a measure compensate for other seeming neglect.

These invaluable lists were taken from Bliss' History of Rehoboth and the Plymouth Colonial Records.

As will be seeD by a perusal of our pages pains have been taken to avoid all ambiguity. The prime object of the compiler was to so ar- range the matter that one need not be a professional reader to under- stand it; hence the simplicity of the work.

Again, the spelling of many names has been retained while others .had to be so changed as to come within a reasonable index.

That the reader may be profited, instructed and rewarded for his la- Kyv and time while perusing our pages is the earnest wish of the com- piler.

Marriages and Intentions.

8 5 ABBOTT Lydia A. and John G. Bliss, son of Cyrus, both of

Seekonk, married at Dighton by Rev. William H. Richards,

Nov. 10, 1850. 1 177 ABBY Abigail and Joseph Ormsbee of Rehoboth, May 10, 1710.

Int. Mar. 31, 1706. 1 44 ABELL Joanna and William Hide of New Norwich, June 4,

1667. 1 45 Preserved and Martha Redaway, Sept. 27, 1667. 1 48 James and Sarah Bowen, Dec. 27, 1686.

1 169 Dorothy and Ebenezer Walker, Oct. 11, 1703. Int. Sept. 18,


2 133 Mary and Ephraim Walker, both of Rehoboth, May 9, 1717.

2 133 Experience and Abijah Carpenter, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Jan.

1, 1717-8. 2 135 Joshua and Rebekah Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, June 16,

1720. Int. Mar. 14, 1719-20. 2 260 Robert and Mary Thompson, both of Rehoboth, married by

Thomas Bowen, Esq., Aug. 20, 1747. Int. J^ily 11, 1747. 2 261 Abigail of Rehoboth and John Estabrooks of Warren, R. I.,

married by Rev. John Greenwood, Nov.5, 1747. Int. Aug. 22,

1747. 2 262 Sarah of Rehoboth and Thomas Cambel of Newport, R. I.,

married by Thomas Bowen, Esq., Dec. 24, 1749. Int. Oct.

28, 1749.

2 265 Joaunah of Rehoboth and Ebenezer Luther of Swansey, mar-

ried by Rev. John Greenwood, Jan. 20, 1750-1. Int. Dec. 15, 1750.

3 288 Preserved and Elizabeth Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, married

by Rev. Robert Rogerson, Jan. 16, 1777. Int. Oct. 5, 1776. 3 290 Dolly of Rehoboth and Ephraim Tripp of Attleboro, married by Rev. Ephraim Hyde, Nov. 20, 1777. Int. July 17, 1777.

3 294 Joanna of Rehoboth and David Hutchings, Jr., of Attleboro,

married by Rev. Ephraim Hyde, Dec. 9, 1779. Int. Nov. 10, 1779.

4 99 Caleb, son of Capt. Robert and Marv, and Lois Read, dau. of

Noah and Anne, Nov. 23, 1788. Int. Aug. 3, 1788. 4 99 Caleb, son of Capt. Robert and Mary, and Elona Hodges, of Daniel, Feb. 5, 1791. (4-232) says Feb. 7, and married by Rev. John Ellis.


4 232 ABELL Preserved and Lucy Brown, both of Rehobotb, married by Rev. John Ellis, Jan. , 1794.

4 210 Rebecca of Reboboth and David Atherton of Attleboro, mar- ried by Rev. Otis Thompson, Jan. 31, J813. Int. Oct. 19. 1812.

6 92 Daniel Hodges of Seekonk and Mary Allyn of Rehoboth, mar- ried by Rev. Otis Thompson, May 14, 1823. Int. April 17, 1823.

6 104 Caleb, Jr., and Rebecca B. Goff, married by Elder Childs Luther, Feb. 26, 1832. Int. Jan. 22, 1832.

2 260 ADAMS John of Barrington, R. I., and Martha Hunt, widow, of

Rehoboth, married by Rev. John Greenwood, March 20, 1745. Int. Nov. 16, 1744.

3 348 James of Warren and Ruth Wheaton of Rehoboth, married by

Elder Samuel Peck, Dec. 11,1768. Int. Nov. 18, 1768.

4 237 John of Rehoboth and Mercy Warner, of William, of Warwick,

R. I., married at Warwick by Elder David Corpes.

5 54 Warner and Eliza Peirce, March 14, 1830.

6 108 William and Pollv Fuller, boih of Rehoboth, married by Elder

Childs Luther Feb. 2, 1834. Int. Jan. 13, 18*4.

6 12*8 Eliza and Nathaniel R. Pearce, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder Childs Luther March 6, 1842. Int. Feb. 6, 1834.

8 11 Alfred B., aged 19, sou of Arnold and Charlotte, and Emily M. Wilbur, aged 16, daughter of Royal and Polly, all of Reho- both, married at Providence, R. I., by Rev. William White- comb, September 18, 1856.

8 12 John S., aged 23, son of John and Nancy, and Fanny A.

Smith, aged 21, daughter of John and Hannah, all of Reho- both, married by Rev. H. H. Smith Mav 3, 1857. Int. April 25, 1857.

9 13 Mary A., aged 20, born in Seekonk, now of Providence, R. I.,

daughter of Samuel B. and Lydia A., and John B. Thatcher, aged 31 , his 2d marriage, bora in Swansey, now of Reho- both, son of James J. and Rebecca W., married by Elder James J. Thatcher March 28, 1867. Int. March, 1867.

9 23 John T., aged 25, born in Warren, R. I., now of Rehoboth, son of John Q. and Mary I., and Sarah S. Smith, aged 22, born in Attleboro, now of Rehoboth, daughter of Remember and Sarah B., married by Rev. D. C. House, Oct. 14, 1874. Int. Oct. 8, 1874.

9 48 George L., aged 26, born and of Hazardville, Ct., son of Henry D. and Ruth S. (Bridge) Adams, aud Bertha E. F. Stevens, aged 25, born and of Rehoboth, daughter of Othnial G. and Abigail (Morse) Stevens, married by Rev. Walter Barton Dec. 23, T892. Int. Dec. 20, 1892.

9 1 ALDRICH Samuel, aged 68, his 2d marriage, born in Wren- tham, son of Asa and Lucy, and Mary Richards, aged 63, her 3d marriage, born in Attleboro, daughter of Allen Cummings, both now of Rehoboth, married by Rev. James J. Thatcher, Jan. 18, 1859. Int. Jan. 17, 1859.

9 11 Samuel, aged 76, his 3d marriage, born in Cumberland, R. I., son of Asa and Lucy, and Mary Cook, born in Middleboro, Ct., her 4th marriage, daughter of Job and Polly Macomber,


both now of Rehoboth, married bv Rev. F. H. Boyuton, Nov. 11, 1866. Int. Nov. 8, 1866.

9 37 Ada, aged 40, her 2d marriage, born in Iowa, daughter of Na- thaniel and Dolly Gay, and Johnson Black, aged 54, his 2d marriage, born in Scotland, son of Ralph and Eliza, both now of Rehoboth, married by Rev. George H. Tilton Nov. 20, 1884.

3 333 ALGER John and Abigail Henderson, both of Rehoboth, mar- ried by Daniel Carpenter, Esq., Feb. 8, 1754.

3 340 Susanna of Rehoboth and James Round of Providence, R. I., married by Rev. John Carnes April 8, 1762. Int. Feb. 7, 1762.

3 345 James and Mary Parker, both of Rehoboth, married by Thomas Bowen, Esq., June 5, 1768. Int. April 8, 1768.

3 287 Freelove and Ichabod Thurber, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Ephraim Hyde April 27, 1775. Int. April 3, 1775.

1 44 ALLEN Deborah and Joseph Bucklin, Nov. 5, 1659.

7 10 Martha of Medfield aud William Sabine of Seekonk, alias- Rehoboth, married at Medfield by Rev. Ralph Wheellock Dec. 22, 1663.

1 45 Isake and Mary Bowen, May 30, 1673.

1 45 Joseph and Hannah Sabin, Nov. 10, 1673.

1 46 Nath aud Mary Sabin, April , 1674.

1 96 Christain and Nathaniel Peck, both of Swansev, March 18r 1695-6.

1 169 Joseph and Martha Tingley, Sept. 15, 1703. Int. June 19,


2 134 Square and Rebeckah Hunt, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 6, 1718.

2 135 Joseph of Rehoboth and Sarah May of Barrington, Mass., Oct.

6, 1720. Int. June 18, 1720. 2 137 Rebeckah of Barrington, Mass., aud Joseph Co'e of Rehoboth,

married by Rev. John Greenwood Jan. 24. 1722-3. Int. July

28, 1722. 2 138 Mary of Rehoboth and Ephraim Dean of Taunton, married by

Rev. David Turner, May 7, 1724. Int. Nov. 11, 1723. 2 144 Rebecca of Rehoboth and Arthur Runing of Barrington, Mass.,

married by Justice Brown, Esq., Jan. 14, 1730-1. Int. Dec.

26, 1730. 2 151 Anne of Rehoboth aud Joseph Hayward of Ashford, married

by Rev. David Turner Nov. 25, 1731. Int. June 26, 1731. 2 148 George of Providence, R. I., and Mary Ashwell, resident of

Rehoboth, married by Rev. John Greenwood June 18, 1735.

Int. April 19, 1735. 7 16 Elizabeth of Swansey and Wheeler Peirce of Rehoboth, mar- ried by Elder Joseph Mason April 8, 1737. 2 149 Jerusha and Robert Sutton, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

John Greenwood Sept. 13, 1737. Int. June 25, 1737. 2 147 Benjamin, Jr., and Susanna Thrasher, both of Rehoboth. married

by Rev. Nathaniel Millerd Dec. 1, 1737. Int. June. 1737. 2 150 George and Sarah Spring, widow, both of Rehoboth, married by

Rev. John Greenwood April 9, 1738. 7 16 Thaddeus of Rehoboth and Abigail Lutber of Swanzey, mar- ried by Elder Joseph Mason at Swanzey Jan. 22. 1740-1. 2 265 Jeremiah and Anne Walker, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

David Turner July 27, 1743. Int. July 9, 1743.


2 265 ALLEN John and Patience Horton, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. David Turner Oct. 13, 1743. Int. Aug. 20, 1743.

2 266 Ebenezer of Barrington, R. I., and Elizabeth Bozworth of Re- hoboth, married by Rev. David Turner April 3, 1746. Int. Jan. 11 1745-6.

2 260 Stephen and Amie Wheaton, both of Rehoboth. married by

Rev. John Greenwood July 22, 1747. Int. June 27, 1747.

3 325 Benjamin of North Kingstown, R. I., and Waitstill Fuller of

Rehoboth, married by Rev. David Turner April 12, 1752. Int.

Feb. 22, 1752. 3 325 Elisha of Exeter, R. I., andDorotbv Bliss of Rehoboth, married

by Rev. David Turner April 12, 1752. Int. Feb. 22, 1752. 3 326 Molly and Ephraim Wilimarth, both of Rehoboth, married by

Elder Richard Round, Jr., Nov. 1. 1753. Int. July 14, 1753~. 3 329 Abner and Sarah Heddon. both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

John Grtenwood Nov. 25, 1756. Int. Sept. 4, 1756.

3 332 Sarah and Ezra Ide, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. John Greenwood March 17, 1757. Int. Feb 26, 1757.

3 333 Levinia of Rehoboth and Jedediah Freeman of Attleboro, mar- ried by Daniel Carpenter, Esq., Oct. 18, 1759. Int. April 28, 1759.

3 346 Barnabus and Amey Camp, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder Samuel Winsor, at Providence, R. I., Feb. 12, 1761. Int. Dec. 27, 1760.

3 340 Betty and Comfort Peirce, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. John Carnes March 26, 1761.

3 339 Marv and Isaac Bliss, both of Rehoboth, married bv Elder Sam-

uefPeck April 1, 1762. Int. Feb. 6, 1762. 3 345 Jemima of Rehoboth and Ezra Dean of Taunton, married by

Rev. Robert Rogerson Dec. 25, 1766. Int. Nov. 2, 1766. 3 344 Elizabeth and James Allen, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder

Samuel Peck Oct. 12, 1767. Int. Sept. 26, 1767.

3 344 James and Elizabeth Allen, both of Rehoboth, married by Eldei" Samuel Peck Oct. 12, 1767. Int. Sept. 26, 1767.

3 346 Samuel of North Kingstown, R. I., and Prudence Bullock of Re- hoboth, married by Rev. Ephriam Hyde, Nov. 5 , 1767. Int. Aug. 10, 1767.

3 344 Joseph and Mary "Wilimarth, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder Samuel Peck, Nov. 12, 1767. Int. Oct. 20, 1787.

3 344 John, Jr., and Huldah Wheaton, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder Richard Rounds, Jr., Dec. 17, 1767. Int. Nov. 20, 1767.

3 351 Matthew of Warren. R. I., and Bathsheba Peck of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Robert Rogerson, March 17, 1768. Int. Feb. 15, 1768.

3 348 Caleb of Swanzey and Lydia Wheaton of Rehoboth, married by Elder Samuel Peck, Nov. 23, 1769. Int. Oct. 4, 1769.

3 349 Mehetable of Rehoboth and Benajah Tucker of Norton, mar- ried by Rev. Ephaim Hyde, Dec, 13, 1770. Int. Aug. 18, 1770.

3 352 Lydia and John French, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Ephraim Hyde, June 6, 1771. Int. May 4, 1771.

3 352 Samuel, 2d, and Susanna Jones, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Ephraim Hyde, Oct. 31, 1771. Int. Oct. 7, 1771.


3 353 ALLEN Comfort and Rachel Whitaker, both of Rehoboth, mar- ried by Elder Samuel Peck, Dec. 3. 1772. Int. Sept. 5, 1772. 3 288 Sarah of Rehoboth and John Willson of Barrington, married

by Rev. Robert Rogerson, Oct. 23, 1774. 3 287 Ephraim of Attleboro and Huldah Brown of Rehoboth, married.

by Rev. Ephraim Hyde, April 20, 1775. Int. March 1T 1775. 3 287 Betsey and David Cole, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

Ephraim Hyde, May 28, 1776. Int. Feb. 20, 1776. 3 287 Molly of Rehoboth, and Thomas Low, resident of Rehoboth,

married by Rev. Ephraim Hyde, Dec. 3, 1776. Int. Nov.

23, 1776. 3 287 Stephen, Jr., and Judeth Gladding, both of Rehoboth, married

by Rev Ephraim Hyde, Dec. 19, 1776. Int. Nov. 28 1776. 3 290 Feleg and Freelove West, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

Ephraim Hyde, April 20, 1777. 3 290 Samuel and Huldah Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, married by

Elder Samuel Peck, June 16, 1777. Int. March 15, 1777. 3 290 Elizabeth and Simeon Bowen, Jr., married by Elder Samuel

Peck, Oct. 28, 1777. Int. July 25, 1777. 3 298 Jei usha and Calvin Bullock, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

Robert Rogerson, Nov. 20, 1777. Int. July 8, 1777. 3 298 William and Elizabeth Young, both of Rehoboth, married by

Rev. Robert Rogerson, Jan. 28, 1779, 3 295 Rachel and Gaius Smith, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder

Samuel Peck, Dec. 16, 1779. Int. Nov. 20, 1779. 3 298 Isabh and Lydia Bliss, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev,

Robert Rogerson, May 24, 1780. Int. April 20, 1780. " 3 298 Jacob and Joanna Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, married by

Rev. Robert Rogerson, May 25, 1780. Int April 21, 1780. 3 291 Molly of Rehoboth and William Hackstone of Warwick, R. I.,

married by William Cole, Esq., Jan. 7, 1781. Iut. Nov. 25,

1780. 3 294 William and Mary Drown, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

Ephraim Hyde, Jan. 11, 1781. Int. Sept 16, 1780, and Oct.

1, 1780. 3 294 Lucy of Rehoboth and Simeon Cole, resident of Rehoboth,

married by Rev. Ephraim Hyde, Feb. 8, 1781. Int. May 9,

1780. 3 295 Lydia of Rehoboth and Abiel Fisher, resident of Rehoboth,

married by Elder Samuel Peck, Oct. 4, 1781. Int. Sept, 15,

1781. 3 297 John and Fear Reed, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

Ephraim Hyde Dec. 6, 1781. Int. Aug. 29, 1781. 3 297 Elizabeth of Rehoboth and Charles Robenson, resident of Re- hoboth, married by Rev. Ephraim Hyde, Jan. 6, 1783. Int.

Dec. 7, 1782. 3 302 Sarah and Abel Whitaker, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

Robert Rogerson, Feb. 13, 1783. Int. Jan. 17, 1783. 3 298 Lewis and Elizabeth Dexter, both of Rehoboth, married by

Rev. Ephraim Hyde, May 1, 1783. Int. March 3, 1783. 3 300 George and Elizabeth Munro, both of Rehoboth, married by

Shubael Peck, Esq., Jan. 27, 1785. Int. Dec. 6, 1784. 3 301 Rachel and Patter Card, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder

Jonathan Chaffee, Sept. 11, 1785. Int. June 30, 1785.


4 231 ALLEN Dorothv and RufusTvler, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Jobn*Ellis, Oct. 22,*1787. Jnt. Oct. 7, 1787.

4 228 Bethiah and Amos Whitaker, both of .Rehoboth, married by Rev. Robert Rogerson, Oct. 9, 188. Int. June 8, 1788.

4 231 Bicknell and Sally Bowen, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. John Ellis, , 1790.

4 236 Permilla and Jabez Bullock, Jr., both of Rehoboth, married by Stephen Bullock, Esq., April 7, 1793.

4 241 Olive and Stephen Dexter, both of Rehoboth, married by Sbu- bael Peck, Esq., Feb. 15, 1795.

7 26 Daniel of Walpole and Patience Carpenter of Rehoboth, mar- ried at Attleboro, by Elisha May, Esq., Nov. 1, 1795. (7-28) says Nov. 4, 1795.

4 239 Mary and Allen Munro, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Robert Rogerson, May 18, 1797.

4 254 Wheaton and Marcv Baker, both of Rehoboth, married by Cal- vin Martin, Esq., Nov. 29, 1798. Int. Oct. 7, 1797.

4 244 Samuel, 4th, and Anne Read, both of Rehoboth, married by

Calvin Martin, Esq., April 14, 1799. 7 7 Mehitable of Rehoboth and Benajer Tucker of Norton, mar- ried at Norton , 1 7 .

4 254 Chloe and John Hammond, married by James Ellis, Esq.. June

6, 1802. 4 258 Hannah of Rehoboth and Seth Whitmarsh of Warren, R I.,

married by Rev. John Hill, Dec. 18. 1803. 4 258 Sarah Drown of Rehoboth and John Gregory of Portsmouth,

N. H., married by Rev. John Hill March 29, 1804. 4 190 Joseph of Providence, R. I., and Sally Willmarth of Rehoboth,

married by Rev. John Hill Sept. 2, 1804. 4 259 Charles Young and Prudence Hix, bo'h of Rehoboth, married

by Elder Sylvester Round July 21, 1805.

4 199 John and Polly Allen, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. John

Hill Nov. 30, 1806. 4 199 Polly and John Allen, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. John

Hill Nov. 30, 1806. 4199 Nancy and Samuel Woodward, married by Rev. John Hill,

Feb 16, 1807. 4 193 John and Pollv Comstock, both of Rehoboth, married by

Thomas Peck,*Esq., March 30, 1807. 4 200 David and Elizabeth Allen, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

Ephraim Sawyer Dec. 16,1807. 4 200* Elizabeth and David Allen, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

Epbraim Sawyer Dec. 16, 1807. 4 203 Esek and Lapha Bowen, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

John Hill Jan. 20, 1808. 4 203 Comfort and Olive Read, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

John Hill Feb. 7, 1808. 4 204 Sarah and George Bowen, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev.

John Hill,Nov. 8, 1808. 4 205 Benjamin and Hannah Wade, both of Rehoboth, married by

Rev. John Hill, Sept. 24, 1809. 4 207 Lewis and Ardilla Drown, both of Rehoboth, married by

Thomas Peck, Esq., April 2, 1810.


4 227 ALLEN Lydia and Obed Peck, both of Rehobotli, married by Rev. Otis Thompson, March 24, 1811.

4 206 Samuel of Wal pole and Martha Carpenter of Rehoboth, mar- ried by Rev. John Hill, April 28, 1811.

4 224 Mary of Barrington and Charles Medbury of Rehoboth. mar- ried by Rev. John Hill, Feb. 2, 1812.

4 210 Mary and Simeon Bowen Fish, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Otis Thompson April 26, 1812. Int. April 8, 1812.

4 224 Lurana of Taunton and Philip Miller of Rehoboth, married by Stephen Bullock. Esq., Aug. 2, 1812. Int. July 11, 1812.

4 210 Welcome and Phebe Wheaton. both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Otis Thompson, Nov. 7, 1813. Int. Oct. 16, 1813.

4 210 Sylvester of Troy, Mass., and Hannah Carpenter of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Otis Thompson, April 30, 1815. Int. March 10, 1815.

4 211 Noah Henry of Rehoboth and Harriet Mai tin of Newport, married bv Rev. Otis Thompson, Sept. 22, 1816. also (4- 214) Int. Sept. 14. 1816.

4 214 Ann and William Watson, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Otis Thompson, Dec. 29, 1816. Int. Dec. 14, 1816.

4 213 Malinda H. and Lewis L. Miller, both of Rehoboth, married by George W. Peck. Esq., Sept. 23, 1818.

4 215 Elisha and Nancy Tyler, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Otis Thompson, March 20, 1820.

6 108 Horatio P. and Zilpha Thrasher, married by Elder Childs Luther, May 12, 1833. Int. April 7.1833.

6 117 Sarah Ann of Dighton and Ira S. Baker of Rehoboth, mar- ried by Joseph Nichols, Esq., Dec. 22, 1836. Int. Nov. 6, 1836.

6 125 Lydia B. of Rehoboth and Ezra Bliss of Pawtucket, married by Elder David Burdick, Sept. 1, 1841. Int. Aug. 6, 1841.

6 131 Hannah W. of Rehoboth and Alexander S. Streeter of Prov- idence. R. I., married bv Rev. John C. Paine, March 16, 1843. Iut. Feb. 28, 1843.

6 131 George H. of Seekonk and Julia M. Fuller of Rehoboth, mar- ried by Rev. John C. Paine, April 2, 1843. Int. March 4, 1843.

6 132 Rebecca B. and Gilbert M. Miller, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. James O. Barney, April 20, 1843. Iut. March 31, 1843.

6 133 Simeon M. and Lydia B. Nichols, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. John C. Paine, Jan. 1, 1844. Int. Dec. 2, 1843.

6 133 Paschall and Mary A. Sweet, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. John C. Paine March 17, 1844. Int. Feb. 24, 1844.

6 138 Joanna of Rehoboth and William Cheever of Attleboro, mar- ried by Rev. Henry C. Coombs Aug. 4, 1844. Int. July 31, 1844.

8 4 Abby M., aged 18, daughter of Sylvester and Hannah, and John Baker, aged 36, son of Nathaniel and Nancy, all of Rehoboth, married by N. S. Aldrich, Esq., Sept. 15, 1849.

8 8 Paschall, aged 35, son of Welcome and Phebe, and Eliza N. Tanner, aged 29. daughter of Nathan and Sarah, all of Re- hoboth, married by Rev. Charles P. Grosvenor Nov. 4, 1853. Int. Nov. 4, 1853.


8 13 ALLEN Harriet B., aged 20, daughter of Ezra, and Allen M.

Feckham, aged 33, son of Silas, all of Rehoboth, married by Elder Waterman Peirce May 25, 1858. Int. May 20, 1858.

9 1 Isaiah N., aged 29, born Rehoboth, son of Isa'ah and Frances

and Abby J. Cornell, aged 20, born Barriugton, R. I., both now of Rehoboth, married by Rev. G. S. Chace Oct. 15, 1859.

9 38 Gilbert F., aged 45, his 2d marriage, boru and of Swanzey, son of John and Hannah, and Sarah E. Peirce, aged 40, born Johnston, R. I., daughter of Horatio and Sarah A., married by Rev. George H. Horton March 24, 1885.

9 47 James B., aged 61, his 1st marriage, bore Swanzey, son of Stephen and Cube (Humphrey) Allen, and Hattie E. Horton, aged 53, born Cumberland, R. L, her 1st marriage, daughter of George S., and Eliza (Ingalls) Horton, both now of Reho- both, married by Rev. George H. Tilton Sept. 21, 1891. Int. Sept. 21. 1891.

3 325 ALLYN Thomas, Jr., and Sybel Blanding, both of Rehoboth,

married by Daniel Carpenter, Esq., April 19, 1753.

4 235 Thomas and Rebecca Peck, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder

Jacob Hix April 7, 1791. 4 235 Abner of Rehoboth and Metbetable Fobes of Norton, married by Shubael Peck, Esq., April 17, 1792.

3 313 Josiah and Bette Matthews, both of Rehoboth, married by El-

der Jonathan Chaffee Aug. 26, 1792.

4 233 Samuel of Providence, R. I., and Hannah Baker of Rehoboth,

married by Rev. John Ellis Dec. 21, 1794.

3 316 Oliver and Hannah Peck, both of Rehoboth, married by Jere-

miah Irons, Esq., Jan. 9, 1798.

4 205 Alfred and Lucinda Chaffee, both of Rehoboth, married by

Rev. John Hill Oct. 29, 1809.

6 92 Mary of Rehoboth and Daniel Hodges Abell of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. Otis Thompson May 14, 1823. Int. April 17, 1823.

6 101 Thomas and Lucinda W. Goff, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder Childs Luther May 81, 1829. Int. May 17, 1829.

4 251 ALLESANDER Richaid of North Providence, R. I., and Pomarah Bagley, resident of Rehoboth, married by David Perry, Jr., Esq., April 29, 1798.

9 50 ALVERNAS Annie F., aged 18, born in Azores Islands, daughter of Manuel and Reta, and Matthew R. Sespa, aged 32, both of Providence R. I., but now of Rehoboth, married by Rev. James Masterson Sept. 17, 1893.

3 304 ALVERSON Rufus of Providence, R. I., and Martha Antoney of Rehoboth, married by Elder Jacob Hix June 25, 1785.

9 17 Anne E., aged 23, born Johnston, now of Providence, R. I., daughter of William B. and Eliza E., and William C. Diman, aged 24, boru Bristol, R. I., now of Rehoboth, son of Francis L. and Roxa, married by Rev. John Q. Adams Nov. 18, 1869. Int. Nov. 18, 1869.

1 168 AMMIDOWNE Phillip and Mehittabell Peren, May 27, 1698. Int. . 1697.

1 168 Philip and Johanna Warfield,JSept. 16, 1700. Int. Aug. 30, 1700.


1 176 AMMIDOWNE Mebittabell and John Thompson, both of Re-

hoboth, Dec. 23, 1709. Int. Nov. 19, 1709. 7 14 AMSBY Mary of Barringjton, Mass., and Hezekiah Bowen of

Rebobotb, married at Barrington, by Perez Bradford, Esq.,

Nov. 12 1740. 3 339 ANDREWS Patience and Seth Martin, both of Rehoboth, mar- ried by Elder Richard Rounds, Jr., Nov. 17, 1763. Int. Oct.

29, 1763. 3 352 Melecent of Dighton and Seth Farrow of Berkeley, married by

Aaron Kingsley, Esq., Feb. 17, 1772. 3 354 Stephen of Dartmouth and Jemima Bullock of Rehoboth, married

by Elder John Hix Dec. 20, 1773. Int. Sept. 24, 1773. 3 356 Ebenezer of Dartmouth and Keziah Bullock of Rehoboth,

married by Elder Jacob HixSept. 18, 1774. Int. Aug. 20, 1774. 7 26 Samuel of Taunton Anna Smith of Rehoboth, married at Attle-

boro by Caleb Richardson, Esq., June 10, 1798.

2 152 ANDROS Mary and John Martin, both of Rehoboth, married by

Rev. David Turner Feb. 21, 1734-5 Int. Feb.l, 1734-5.

2 262 Nathaniel and Abiah Woodward, both of Rehoboth, married by

Elder Richard Rounds, Jr.. June 15, 1749. Int. May 27, 1749.

3 348 Job of Dighton and Hannah Baker of Rehoboth, married by

Elder Nathan PeirceNov. 1, 1770. Int. Oct. 14, 1770.

2 308 Nathaniel of Seletoga and Mary Martin of Rehoboth, married

by Elder John Hix Aug. 26, 1787. Int. Aug. 12, 1787.

4 229 ANGELL Richard of Smithfield, R. I., and Sarah Wood of

Rehoboth, married by Jonathan Chaffee, Esq., Feb. 13, 1791.

5 203 Oliver of Providence and Nancy Read of Rehoboth, married

by Rev. John Hill March 20, 1808. 1 47 ANGIER Samuel and Mrs. Hannah Oake, Sept. 2, 1680. 7 11 Mrs. Mary of Bridgewater and Ephraim Hyde of Rehoboth,

married at Bridgewater by Rev. John Angier Oct. 15, 1767.

Int. July 27, 1767.

3 293 ANTHONY David of Swanzey and Submit Wheeler of Reho-

both, married by Elder John Hix July 25, 1779. Int. May 15, 1779. 3 304 Rufus (spelled Antoney) and Mehitabell Whitaker, both of Re- hoboth, married by Elder Jacob Hix June 18, 1785. Int. June 20, 1785.

3 304 Martha (spelled Antoney) of Rehoboth and Rufus Alverson of

Providence, R. I., married by Elder Jacob Hix June 22, 1785. Int. Oct. 14, 1784.

4 234 Sarah and Cuddan Ingalls, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder

Jacob Hix Oct. 11, 1788. Int. Sept. 21, 1788. 7 9 Lilebell of Rehoboth and Asa Smith of Dighton, married at

Dighton by Elder Enock Goff Sept. 4, 1792. 4 247 Abner, Jr., and Lucy Edson, married by Elder Thomas Sea-

mons Oct. 11, 1801.

6 98 Abner, resident of Rehoboth, and Martha Conant of Rehoboth,

married by Joseph Wheaton, Esq., Oct. 8, 1827. Int. July 25, 1827.

4 210 William A. of Providence, R. I., and Eliza D. Hunt of Re- hoboth, married by Rev. Otis Thompson Nov. 21, 1811.

4 207 Susan of Rehoboth and Jonathan Peck of Bristol, married by Elder Childs Luther Dec , 1813.


4 225 ANTHONY Benjamin of Homer and Martha Edson of Rehoboth,.

married by Elder Chiids Luther June J 2, 1814. 3 294 ANTRUM Darius of Providence, R. I., and Molly Bishop of

Rehoboth, married by Rev. Ephraim Hyde Aug. 27, 1780.

Int July 8, 1780.

2 142 ARMINGTON Joseph and Hannah Chaffee, both of Reh .both,

married by Rev. David Turner May 27, 1729. Int. Feb. 22, 1728-29.

3 329 John and Ruth Kent, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. John

Greenwood Jan 11, 1757. Int. Oct. 23, 1756. 3 343 Josiah and Ruth Bowen, both of Rehoboth, married by Thomas Bowen Esq.. Nov. 18, 1765. Int. Oct. 21, 1765.

3 297 Joseph Jr., and Debb}- Kent, both of Rehoboth, married by

Rev. Ephraim Hyde Aug. 23, 1781. Int. July 21, 1781. 3 313 Olive and James Peck, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder

Jonathan Chaffee Oct. 6, 1791. 3 315 Esther and Timothy Ide, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder

Jonathan Chaffee June 15, 1797. 3 315 Benjamin and Sally Paine, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder

Jonathan Chaffee Sept. 17, 1797.

3 315 Prudence and Oliver Chaffee, married by Jonathan Chaffee

Nov. 19, 1798. Int. Oct. 7, 1797.

4 258 Ambrose and Sallv Jenckes, both of Rehoboth, married by

Rev. John Hill May 13, 1804.

4 205 Abby and David Day, both of Atlleboro, married bv Rev. John Hill Nov. 30, 1809.

4 211 Asa W., of Seekonk, and Lucy Fuller of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Otis Thompson Nov. 24, 1816, also (4-214). Int. Oct. 16, 1816.

2 141 ARMSTRONG Simon and Isabell Whiteley, resident of Re- hoboth, married by Rev. John Greenwood March 13, 1726-7. Int. Feb. 25, 1726-7.

4 209 Lewis of Rehoboth and Lucinda Freeman of Attleboro, mar- ried bv Lemuel Macomber. Jr., Esq., July 4, 1813. Int. June 12, 1813.

2 137 ARNOLD Mary and William Inglesby, both of Rehoboth, mar- ried by Rev. John Greenwood May 3, 1722.

4 238 Samuel of Norton and Nancy Wheeler of Rehoboth, married by Elder John Hix Feb. 19, 1792.

8 10 John F., aged 28, of Warwick, R. I., son of Thomas and

Sophia, and Amey F. Horton, aged 28, of Rehoboth, daughter of George L. and Ann. married by Elder James J. Thatcher Nov. 14, 1855. Int. Nov. 14, 1855.

9 15 James A. W., aged 37, his 2d marriage, born in Cranston, R.

I., now of Rehoboth, and Fanny F. Clarke, aged 20, born in Charlestown, now of Rehoboth, daughter of Nathaniel and Ella, married by Rev. Gardner Clark Nov. 1, 1868. Int. Nov. 1, 1868. 9 17 Joseph A., aged 27, born in Coventry, R. I., now of West Greenwich, R. L, son of Welcome C, and Cynthia A., and Ada- laide F. Barker, aged 23, born and of Rehoboth, daughter of Ira S. and Harriet W., married by Rev. Josephus W. Hor- ton Sept. 20, 1869. Int. Sept. 19, 1869.


4 259 ARTHURTON Rufus and Concent Bullock, l>oih of Rehoboth, married by Elder Sylvester Round May 13, 1804.

9 19 ASHLEY Willard F., aged 23, born and of Taunton, son of Calvin and Rebecca C, and Emily D. Gay, aged 17, born and of Rehoboth, daughter of Jabez K., and Mary D., married by Rev. W. S. Emery Dec. 30, 1871.

8 9 ASHTON Robert aged 27, son of John and Sarah, and Mary

A. Wood, aged 21, daughter of Philip and Maria, all of Re- hoboth, married by Rev. Charles P. Grosvener March 5. 1854. Int. March 5, 1854. 2 148 ASHVVELL Mary, resident of Rehoboth, and George Allen of Providence, R. I., married by Rev. John Greenwood Juue 18, 1735. Int. April 19, 1735.

2 152 ATHERTON Samuel and Elizabeth Millard, both of Rehoboth,

married bv Rev. David Turner Nov. 7, 1734. Int. Oct. 19, 1734.

4 261 Saben of Richmond. N. H., and Nancy Read of Rehoboth, mar- ried by Rev. Otis Thompson Feb. 12, 1806.

4 210 David of Attleboro, and Rebecca Abell of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Otis Thompson Jan. 31, 1813. Int. Oct. 19, 1812.

9 17 ATKINS Cordelia, aged 22, born Boston, now of Warwick, R. I.,

daughter of Daniel and Lucinda, and Maizey Van Howland, born Taunton, now of Warwick, R. I., married by Rev. F. H. Boynton April 5, 1869. Iut. April 5, 1869.

4 215 ATKINSON Samuel, Esq.. of Chilicothe, 111., and Lucy Moul- ton, of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Otis Thompson May 13. 1819.

9 33 Samuel, aged 23, born in Providence. R. I. now ofSeekonk, son of William and Laura J., and Sarati M. Cushing, aged 24, daughter of Edwin T. and Sa-uli M., married by Rev. George H. Tilton Oct. 13, 1882. Ini. Oct. 12, 1882.

3 330 ATTWELL Richard of Attleboro and Sarah Nichols of Re-

hoboth, married by Rev. David Turner Dec. 30, 1756. 9 42 ATWELL Elmer W., aged 22, born and of Attleboro, son of Allen L. and Eliza J., and Eliza J. Graves, aged 19, born and of Rehoboth, daughter of Davis and Ann, married by Rev. Charles A. Wiukeley Feb. 9, 1887. Int. Feb. 17, 1887. (sic)

2 133 ATTWOOD Samuel of Middleboro and Elizabeth Smith of

Rehoboth, Dec. 13, 1716.

3 229 ATWOOD Joseph of Dighton and Elizabeth Carpenter of Re-

hoboth, married by Rev. John Greenwood Jan. 17, 1754. Iut. Oct. 20, 1753. 8 13 Eliza, aged 39, of Dighton, daughter of James T., and Ira Bliss, aged 54, of Rehoboth, son of Asa aud Mary, married, by Elder James J. Thatcher Aug. 8, 1858.

1 176 AUDRELL Isaac and Esther Walker, both of Rehoboth, May

16, 1709. Int. March 16, 1708-9.

2 154 AURELL Samuel of Preston and Patience Perry of Rehobothr

married by Rev. John Greenwood June 7, 1739.

4 236 AUSTIN Hannah and William Wheeler, married by Shubael

Peck Esq., Nov. 6, 1792. 4 245 Susannah aud Comfort Carpenter, both resident of Rehoboth, married by Ephraim Starkweather, Esq., Jan. 27, 1799.


4 200 AUSTIN Else and William Wheeler Lincoln, both of Rehoboth,

married by James Ellis, Esq., Nov. 1, 1809. 4 247 David tf Digbton and Hannah Martin of Rehoboth, married

by Elder Jacob Hix Sept. 5, 1802.

6 114 Polly and Lemuel Vickery, both of Rehoboth, married by Elder

Childs Luther July 5. 1835. Int. June 14, 1835.

8 3 Lydia B. and Josepbus B. Smith, married bv Rev. Charles P.

Grosvener Nov. 26, 1848. Int. Nov. 12, 1848. ' i«'. Henry, aged 44, his 2d marriage, son of Abiather and Esther, and Peninoh Holden, aged 34, her 3d marriage, daughter of yosea and Rebecca Williams, both born in Taunton, but now of Rehoboth, married by Cyras M. Wheaton, Esq., Dec. 14, 1868. Int. Dec. 14, 1868.

9 20 William H.. ag(d 21, son of Henry and Sally, and Emily J.

Huntoon,aged 16, daughter of Edward and Peninah, both born in Taunton, but now of Rehoboth, married by Cyrus M. Wheaton, Esq., Aug. 10, 1872, Int. Aug. 10, 1872.

7 23 AVERELL Wary of Toptfield ai.d Silas Titus of Rehoboth,

married at Topsfield Feb. /(# , 1709-10.

3 292 AXTELL Benjamin of Taunton and Jemima Briggs of Re-

hoboth, married bv Elder John Hix Feb. 19, 1778. Int. Jan. 23, 1778.

4 223 AYLESWORTH Samuel D. of North Kingstown, R. I., and

Sarah Pearce of Rehoboth, mairied by Elder Childs Luther Jan. 15, 1821.


2 263 BABBITT Ruth of Rehoboth and William Willistone of Swan-

zev, married bv Elder Richard Round Oct. 25, 1750. Int.

Sept. 22, 1750." 4 233 BABINSON David and Martha Tripp, married by Rev. John

Ellis May 4, 1794. 6 106 BACHELER Oiigen of Providence, R. I., and Charlotte Wright

Thomoson of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Otis Thompson Nov.